Phloem differentiation: an integrative model for cell specification
In the vascular tissue of plants, the conductive cells in phloem and xylem are responsible for long distance transport. The sieve elements (SE) in the phloem are the main cells transporting photosynthates from source tissues, such as leaves, towards the parts of the plant where they are consumed, also referred to as sink tissues.
Phloem - Wikipedia
Phloem (/ ˈfloʊ.əm /, FLOH-əm) is the living tissue in vascular plants that transports the soluble organic compounds made during photosynthesis and known as photosynthates, in particular the sugar sucrose, [1] to the rest of the plant. This transport process is called translocation. [2] .
韧皮部装载 - 百度百科
韧皮部装载(phloem loading)是指光合同化物从叶肉细胞运出至最终进入筛管的整个过程,而筛分子装载特指同化物从韧皮部薄壁细胞进入SE—CC复合体的过程。
A Dof-CLE circuit controls phloem organization - Nature Plants
2022年7月11日 · Multiple mutations in CLE-, BAM- or CIK-class genes caused ectopic formation of SEs and CCs, producing an SE/CC cluster at each phloem region. We propose that while phloem-Dofs induce phloem cell...
Fundamentals of Phloem Transport Physiology - Wiley Online Library
2012年8月28日 · Sieve element-companion cell complexes (SE-CCs), organized into repeating units (sieve tubes), are structurally and functionally designed to support large fluxes of resources (nutrients and water) transported over long distances throughout the plant body to meet metabolic demands of remote heterotrophic sink organs.
注意力机制(一)SE模块(Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks)论 …
2024年6月27日 · SE-block:通过该机制,网络可以学习使用全局信息来选择性地强调信息特征,并抑制不太有用的特征。 SE-block流程: 特征图U(H’W’C’)首先通过Squeeze操作传递,在空间维度上聚集特征图,产生11C的通道描述符。 之后是激励操作
开发中PG,PL,SE,PM都是什么意思 - DamonWong - 博客园
2017年10月13日 · Bridge型SE(BSE),通常是负责与客户的沟通,以及团队内的协调工作。 PG(ProGramer),也就是程序 员,这类人才在企业中所占数量最多,通常占到了整个项目员工数的70%,也是企业中最紧缺的一类职位
Cell Biology of Sieve Element–Companion Cell Complexes
2012年8月28日 · One of the most intriguing aspects of the phloem is the connection between living sieve tubes formed from interconnected sieve elements (SEs) and the sieve-tube control system provided by the companion cells (CCs). In angiosperms, the only structures within the lumen of a SE are the phloem-specific proteins.
Nature Plants | Tatsuo Kakimoto/柴继杰研究组合作揭示植物韧皮 …
韧皮部由 初生韧皮部筛管 (protophloem sieve element, PES)和 次生韧皮部筛管 (metaphloem sieve element, MES),以及其紧临的两个 伴胞细胞 (companion cell, CC)组成(图1)。 近年来,许多参与调控韧皮部发生的基因被陆续发现,其参与的分子调控机制正在逐步地被揭示,但是韧皮部细胞分裂和特化过程中具体如何按既定发育路线形成有序的空间排布(细胞发育图式,cell developmental patterning)的机制还不清楚。
Phloem - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The phloem tissue consists of two cell types, sieve element (SE), responsible for nutrient conduction, and companion cell (CC), which provides metabolic support for the SE [82]. Together with the xylem, the phloem is an essential vascular network, providing carbon and nutrients to areas of the plants when needed.
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