wrong column-headline in se16n after adjustment in view (se11)
Hi together, When I´ve just created a view in trx. se11 I made little typo when I entered the name of a view field. Although I´ve adjusted this error, se16n still shows the wrong column headline. …
Custom Tcode above SE16N to restrict usage | SAP Community
This is working wonderful but I could not do mass maintenance as in ALV grid from SE16N. I could not do the same thing with SE16N. Could anybody let me know if I could create a …
Performance issues - SE16n VS. ABAP SELECT - SAP Community
We're selecting from table FAGLFLEXA in SE16n vs. SELECT statement in ABAP standard code with same parameters, yet SE16n takes only a few seconds while the SELECT statement in …
SM30 issue - SAP Community
What would be the reason whenever a table view is different when viewed from SM30 and SE16n? Here are their differences: 1. Arrangement of columns are different. 2. Key fields in …
How to delete empty entry in V_512W_D | SAP Community
Hi All, I want to deleted empty entry in V_512W_D table. I am trying to delete using T.Code- SE16N, But when I enter &SAP_EDIT in command field it is not responding for delete.
Removing Authorisation - SAP Community
Hi, We have two users having authorisation to execute TCode SE16N. I want to remove the authorisation for SE16N for these two users.
Cost center and Employee number | SAP Community
Hi experts, I am looking for a ZSE16N table that can tell me what employees are assigned to a specific cost center.
How could I transport the variant and layout setting in SE16 | SAP ...
Hi ABAPers, Would any of you please advise me on how to transport the variant and layout setting in SE16? I cannot see any transport request in the menu but would like to understand …
Benefits Administration data maintenance in implementation
How feasible it is to maintain benefits plan information using SE16N instead of going thru config steps? For e.g. we have plans setup based on age from 21 to 60 and for every age there is …
Table and or Field count - SAP Community
2011年5月11日 · Hi Experts, I'm trying to find number of counts in a table. Also there is a field, let's call it XYZ, which has number of businesses.