求sec 和 tan之间的公式 - 百度知道
2014年9月4日 · 1+tan^2 x=sec^2 x。 证明过程如下: (1)tan x = sin x/cos x (2)sec x =1/cos x (3)tan^2 x=sin^2 x/cos^2 x (4)1+tan^2 x=1+sin^2 x/cos^2 x=sec^2 x。 扩展资料: 平方和关系 (sinα)^2 +(cosα)^2=1. 积的关系. sinα = tanα × cosα. cosα = cotα × sinα . tanα = sinα × secα . 倒数关系. tanα × ...
How do you simplify #sec(tan^(-1)(x))# - Socratic
2018年8月8日 · #sec(tan^(-1)(x))# let #y=tan^(-1)(x)# #x=tan(y)# #x=sin(y)/cos(y)# #x^2=sin(y)^2/cos(y)^2# #x^2+1=(cancel(cos(y)^2+sin(y)^2)^(=1))/cos(y)^2# #x^2+1=sec(y)^2# #sqrt(x^2+1)=sec(y)=sec(tan^(-1)(x))# \0/ Here's our answer !
tanx的平方为什么等于(sec的平方-1) - 百度知道
tan(x)的平方等于(sec(x))^2 - 1,是因为sec(x)与tan(x)有特定的数学关系。 根据三角函数的定义: tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x) sec(x) = 1/cos(x) 将sec(x)^2带入: sec(x)^2 = (1/cos(x))^2 = 1/(cos^2(x)) 然后将sin(x)/cos(x)的平方展开: (tan(x))^2 = (sin(x)/cos(x))^2 = sin^2(x)/cos^2(x)
tanX与secX的关系? - 知乎
tanX与secX的关系? secx 是 正割 的意思, secx = \frac {1} {cosx} ,感觉本科期间知道下面两个 积分 就可以了。 (为什么?
三角函数公式汇总 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
\sec x = \frac{1}{\cos{x}} \csc{x} = \frac{1}{\sin{x}} \cot{x} = \frac{1}{\tan{x}} 平方关系 \sin^{2}x + \cos^{2}x = 1. 1 + \tan^{2} x = \sec^{2}x. 1 + \cot^{2}x = \csc^{2}x. 商关系 \tan{x} = \frac{\sin{x}}{\cos{x}} = \frac{\sec{x}}{\csc{x}} \cot{x} = \frac{\cos{x}}{\sin{x}} = \frac{\csc{x}}{\sec{x}} 三角恒等变换公式 和差公式
What are the basic trigonometric identities? | Purplemath
Basic trig identities are formulas for angle sums, differences, products, and quotients; and they let you find exact values for trig expressions.
Simplify (sec(x))/(tan(x)) | Mathway
Rewrite tan(x) tan (x) in terms of sines and cosines. Rewrite sec(x) sec (x) in terms of sines and cosines. Multiply by the reciprocal of the fraction to divide by sin(x) cos(x) sin (x) cos (x). Cancel the common factor of cos(x) cos (x). Tap for more steps... Convert from 1 …
How do you simplify sec (tan^-1)x? [Solved] - Cuemath
How do you simplify sec(tan-1 x)? Inverse trigonometric functions are the inverse ratio of the basic trigonometric ratios. Answer: The value of sec(tan-1 x) is √x 2 + 1. Let's solve the following. Explanation: To Simplify: sec(tan-1 x) Let, y = tan-1 x. ⇒ x = tan y. ⇒ x = sin y / cos y (Since, tan y = sin y / cos y) Squaring on both the ...
How to simplify #tan(sec^(-1)(x))# - Socratic
2018年8月2日 · #tan (sec^-1 x)# Let #sec ^-1 x = y# #x = sec y# #x^2 = sec^2 y# #x^2 = 1 + tan^2 y, color(brown)(sec^2 y = 1 + tan^2 y, " Identity"# #x^2 - 1= tan^2 y# #tan y = sqrt(x^2 - 1)# …
数学 三角函数 sin 正弦、cos 余弦、tan 正切、cot 余切、sec 正割 …
正弦 (sine), 余弦 (cosine) 和 正切 (tangent) (英语符号简写为 sin, cos 和 tan) 是 直角三角形 边长的比:对一个特定的角θ来说,不论三角形的大小,这三个比是不变的sec(θ) = 斜边 / 邻边(=1/cos)csc(θ) = 斜边 / 对边(=1/sin)cot(θ) = 邻边 / 对边(=1/tan)在直角三角形中 ...