Transocean plans to sell two semisubmersible rigs, Sedco 600 and Sedco …
2008年11月13日 · Transocean Inc., Houston, (NYSE: RIG) plans to sell two semisubmersible rigs, Sedco 600 and Sedco 602, to JCE Group AB of Sweden for $52.7 million. Since 1983 the rigs have been used as mobile offshore drilling units. They are …
International | Hart Energy
Transocean Inc., Houston, (NYSE: RIG) plans to sell two semisubmersible rigs, Sedco 600 and Sedco 602, to JCE Group AB of Sweden for $52.7 million. Since 1983 the rigs have been used as mobile offshore drilling units.
Transocean Sedco Forex is setting the standard for simulator training of crews on the latest generations of offshore drilling units. Discoverer Deep Seas are designed to reduce typical deepwater development project costs by up to 40%.
Offshore Drilling Rig Sedco 602 Delivered By Promet Shipyard
Sedco 602, a medium-sized, semisubmersible drilling rig, was delivered recently by Promet Private Limited shipyard of Singapore. This rig is owned jointly by Sedco Inc. and Occidental...
Transocean Inc. Announces Agreement to Sell Semisubmersibles Sedco 600 ...
2004年3月19日 · The Sedco 600, idle in Singapore since April 2003, is currently being reactivated in preparation for an expected one-well contract. The rig is expected to complete the drilling project during the...
Sedco 600 (schip, 1983) - Wikipedia
De Sedco 600 is een halfafzinkbaar platform dat in 1983 werd gebouwd door Promet Private Limited in Singapore voor Sedco. Het ontwerp van Earl and Wright bestaat uit twee parallelle pontons met daarop elk twee kolommen met daarop het werkdek. Het ontwerp was bedoeld voor werk in ondieper water en daarmee kleiner dan de Sedco 700-serie.
Sedco 601 Rig owned by Transocean Inc. – Subsea Oil and Gas …
2020年1月18日 · The Sedco 601 drilling rig is owned by Transocean Inc. which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Sedco 601. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Earl & Wright/Sedco 600 Series and built by Promet Private Ltd at …
Promet Gets $60-Million Order For Drill Rig For Sedco
1981年6月15日 · Designed by Sedco, the medium- size rig, which can house 84 men, is capable of exploratory and production drilling in water depths between 25 feet and 600 feet. It is scheduled for delivery in...
Transocean Sells Two Semisubs - Rigzone
2004年3月19日 · Transocean Inc. has entered into agreements to sell the semisubmersibles Sedco 600 and Sedco 602 to JCE Group AB of Sweden, for net proceeds of approximately $52.7 million.
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