Sedco 703 Rig owned by Transocean Inc. - Subsea
The Sedco 703 drilling rig is owned by Transocean Inc. which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Sedco 703. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Earl & Wright/Sedco 700 Series and built by Avondale Shipyards at the Avondale New Orleans LA …
Ship SEDCO 703 (Drilling Rig) Registered in - Vessel details, …
Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of SEDCO 703 including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 8755120, MMSI -8755120, Call sign.
长宏再生公司钻井平台703(SEDCO 703)钻井台拆解顺利
据悉,SEDCO 703为利比里亚籍半潜式石油钻井平台,于2014年12月27日进港,该平台轻吨位12697.24吨,但总高度达到96米,仅井架部分就达到56.39米。 远远超过我司门机和浮吊最大起吊高度,无法用常规拆解方式拆除。 如何顺利又安全地拆除井架部分是施工队面临的一大难题。 为此,在拆解技术骨干、拆解单位负责人、安环部门、监理公司等相关人员共同研究下,最终决定以类似伐树的方式进行拆解:在井架的顶部用钢丝绳连接大马力拖轮,再将井架底部部分割除, …
Rigs I Have Worked On #2 - Sedco 703 - fallslikesnow.blogspot.com
The SEDCO 703 is a Sedco 700 design semi-submersible drilling unit capable of operating in harsh environments and water depths up to 2,000 feet using a 18¾in 10,000 psi BOP and a 21in OD marine drilling riser.
SEDCO 703, Platform - Details and current position - VesselFinder
The vessel SEDCO 703 (IMO: 8755120 ) is a Platform built in 1974 (49 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Unknown. SEDCO 703 current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database.
In July 2007 a contract was signed with Sedco Forex International for the use of the Sedco 703 semi-submersible drilling rig on the forthcoming drilling programme in the Browse Basin leases situated offshore Western Australia, WA-314-P, WAP-315-P and WA-398–P held by Karoon with its joint venture partner and Operator ConocoPhillips.
Facility: SEDCO 703 - Factpages - Norwegian Offshore Directorate
2025年3月14日 · Norwegian Offshore Directorates FactPages contain information regarding the petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. The data is synchronised with the NPD daily.
SEDCO 703, Drilling platform, IMO 8755120 | Vessel details ...
SEDCO 703 is a Drilling platform built in 1974 by AVONDALE SHIPYARD - NEW ORLEANS LA, U.S.A.. Current status: Decommissioned or lost. It's gross tonnage is 13680 tons.
Transocean Inc. Semisubmersible Rig Sedco 703 Awarded …
2006年12月18日 · Transocean Inc. recently announced that a subsidiary of Woodside of Australia has awarded the semisubmersible rig Sedco 703 a one-year contract for drilling operations offshore Australia, where the rig is currently operating
The ship SEDCO 703 - IMO: 8755120 - Service Ship
SEDCO 703 (IMO: 8755120) is a Service Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Liberia. SEDCO 703 was built in 1974. SEDCO 703 vessel length overall (LOA) is 99.67m, beam is 74.68m.