TMSS on a Model 1: Yes or No? - Sega Genesis - AtariAge Forums
2014年7月8日 · I have 2 non TMSS Sega Genesis that I recapped and replaced the voltage regulators on. Takes some time replace the approximately 50 caps. I personally prefer the Genesis Model 1 because that is what I had when I bought it new in '90 or …
Good sega arcade ports - Sega Genesis - AtariAge Forums
2015年3月12日 · Considering the Genesis was supposed the "Arcade At Home" system and so many of Sega's flagship titles used scalling STILL leaves me wondering why they didn't incorporate scaling into the Genesis from day one. Or, why they didn't start doing ports of those games for the Sega CD which DID have scaling.
How low is your Model 1 Genesis' serial number? - Sega Genesis ...
2015年7月3日 · I recently started reading on some other forums about low Sega Genesis serial numbers. I have had my Genesis since August, 1989, so I knew it would be very low. My number is 39S13220. Now, the first number the factory it was made in (in my case, Taiwan). The second letter is the last digit of the year it was made in, so 1989.
games i made using the sega ide basiegaxor - Sega Genesis
2021年6月29日 · here are some games i made using the basiegaxorz ide and sega flashkit they are on cart the ide works good and is easy to use: bud fighter: here is the rom download for anyone who wants to check it out budfighterwithyang.zip tag cat adventure (this one is still being worked on but will be done so...
How many Genesis games had stereo sound? - Sega Genesis
2022年7月20日 · Maybe most of the games were in mono until the Genesis Model 2 came out, and then developers largely switched across to stereo after that, which could somewhat accounts for the numbers. I'd still be interested to learn how many Model 1 systems there were vs Model 2 and Model 3 combined, to see how the rough balance was between people playing in ...
X-Men - Sega-16
2006年5月4日 · Much to the pleasant surprise of X-Men fans & gamers in general, SEGA entered the fray with guns blazing. Luckily for SEGA, everyone else was still fighting with knives. Not only did SEGA’s X-Men come out at the right time, but it was also the right game. Finally, after all that waiting, someone finally got it right.
First-Person Shooter Games on Genesis: Ambition or Folly? - Sega …
2006年8月8日 · Simply getting a first-person shooter operational on a stock Genesis is pretty impressive. The Genesis was designed with 2D games in mind, and polygons devour processing power like it’s going out of style. So do the other things that turn a bunch of flat-shaded gray blocks into a real game: sound, textures, weapons, pickups, and enemies.
Marketing the Genesis: Sega’s Advertising 1989-1996
2006年8月1日 · In the first six months of Katz’s tenure, Sega of America sold half a million Genesis units. Though it wasn’t a particularly large amount compared to the massive installed base the NES enjoyed (it was estimated at the time that there was a NES console in one out of every three American homes), it was a smashing start nonetheless.
List of Genesis titles compatible with Motorola 68010 CPU mod.
2013年10月30日 · Does anyone have a list of Genesis/MegaDrive games that are compatible/tested with a Motorola 68010 CPU mod? The reason why I ask is because there is a list out there but the links to it on Sega-16 are broken. From what I've seen on YouTube, Sonic and Sonic 2 greatly benefit from the 68010. And c...
MegaSD or Mega EverDrive Pro - which should I buy? - Sega …
2023年7月21日 · I might be the last person on the planet not to own one, but I've decided to finally get an Everdrive-type device for the Genesis. Looking over the features of both the MegaSD (TerraOnion) and the Mega EverDrive Pro (Krikzz), they seem pretty much identical. Both support Sega CD and MD Plus games...