F.A.N.G | Street Fighter Wiki | Fandom
F.A.N.G (ファン Fan?, Chinese: 方) is a video game character from the Street Fighter series, first appearing in Street Fighter V. He is the second-in-command of Shadaloo, ranking only below M. Bison in the hierarchy.
F.A.N.G. (Street Fighter) - Wikipedia
F.A.N.G (ファン, Fan) is a character in Capcom 's Street Fighter series. He made his first appearance in Street Fighter V as one of sixteen playable characters at the game's launch in 2016.
Street Fighter V/F.A.N.G - SuperCombo Wiki
When Fang hits an opponent with a special attack or his V-Skill, they become poisoned. While poisoned their HP slow drains, and any grey life and stun they have does not regenerate. If Fang takes any damage, the opponent becomes un-poisoned.
F.A.N.G | Capcom Database | Fandom
F.A.N.G is a very thin and tall man with a goatee who wears a loose, purple Chinese qipao with round Chinese sign at the front of his qipao, black Chinese capris and a matching Chinese toe shoes and red long socks. He also wears black shades and a large black hat with red linings.
Street Fighter V: F.A.N.G Reveal Video - YouTube
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F.A.N.G | Street Fighter V: Champion Edition
MOVE LIST. Commands written here are for characters facing right*
F.A.N.G Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition moves list
2016年2月26日 · F.A.N.G was released on February 16, 2016 as part of the launch roster for Street Fighter 5. He is one of the game's initial 16 playable fighters available with the base version of the game. A...
F.A.N.G | Street Fighter V Wikia | Fandom
F.A.N.G is one of the playable characters in Street Fighter V. He was confirmed at PlayStation Experience 2015. This makes him the 4th newcomer confirmed to be in the game, as well as the 16th character in the game, making him the final character to be announced at launch.
Move List | F.A.N.G | Character Data | CAPCOM:Shadaloo C.R.I.
Frustrate your opponent, and take them out when they try to jump with a well-timed Nishikyu or Ryobenda! The poison effect of his EX Ryobenda lasts longer, and can be used for zoning.
ファン - STREET FIGHTER V Wiki | ストリートファイター5 攻略ま …
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