News and announcements - SFC
2020年4月1日 · News originated by the SFC is categorised into three groups: A full list of all news categories is available under all news. Corporate news covers announcements on a corporate level, such as, appointments of executives and members of panels and committees, co-operation agreements with other regulatory bodies and organisational changes.
主頁 | 證監會 - SFC
證監會推出反詐騙活動「咪做水魚」的WhatsApp貼圖(Stickers)。 下載Stickers,與家人朋友們同賀佳節、咪做水魚! 按此 了解更多關於「咪做水魚」宣傳活動內容。 版權 2020 證券及期 …
新聞稿及公布 | 證監會 - SFC
2013年11月22日 · 證監會發表的新聞稿分為三類。 所有新聞稿 一欄載有各類新聞稿。 有關 證監會消息 的新聞稿主要報道本會的最新消息,例如高層人員及委員會成員的委任安排、與其他監管機構簽訂的合作協議,以及組織架構變動等,亦包括諮詢文件、諮詢總結、演講辭、機構刊物及專題刊物的公布。 執法消息 一欄的新聞稿重點闡述本會為打擊市場失當行為而採取的執法行動。 除了上述兩類新聞稿,其他類別的新聞稿均載於 其他新聞稿 一欄。 此外, 股權高度集中公布 列出 …
執法消息 | 證券及期貨事務監察委員會 - SFC
本小節包括採取執法行動,並提供一些見解,我們的方法來處理市場失當行為。 Loading Enforcement news ... 本名單只載有證監會於1997年1月1日或以後發出關於執法行動的新聞稿。 就發牌及紀律處分的目的而言,證監會可能仍會參考於1997年1月1日以前所採取的執法行動。 如欲查詢現有持牌人的資料,請參閱〈持牌人及註冊機構的公眾紀錄冊〉。 版權 2020 證券及期貨事務監察委員會. 本會保留一切版權.
e-Distribution - SFC
e-Distribution - SFC ... e-Distribution
Hong Kong's SFC orders brokers to end 'imprudent' margin …
4 天之前 · Hong Kong's market watchdog has asked the city's stock brokerages to clean up their act in funding their clients in initial public offerings (IPOs), after a review discovered "imprudent and ...
SFC seeks disqualification and compensation orders against entire ...
2025年3月14日 · The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has commenced legal proceedings in the Court of First Instance to seek disqualification and compensation orders against eight former directors of 3DG Holdings (International) Limited (formerly known as Hong Kong Resources Holdings Company Limited) (HK Resources) for their alleged failure in preventing misappropriation of $74.4 million in corporate ...
SFC, Hong Kong stock exchange take action against FingerTango, …
2025年1月16日 · The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and Hong Kong's stock exchange have taken disciplinary action against a Chinese gaming company and its former directors for misconduct that resulted in...
SFC: Press releases
SFC and Ministry of Finance top management meet in Beijing. SFC issues additional guidance on IPO subscription and financing services. Further adjournment for mention in false trading prosecution. SFC suspends finfluencer for 16 months. SFC bans Steven Wong Yung for 14 months for fund management failures. Statement on SFC 2025/2026 budget.
SFC: Latest News and Updates | South China Morning Post
Listed companies will go fully electronic in batches over the next five years, while individual investors have options and costs to consider: SFC. The SFC licensed its first international...