[HOW] How Do You Play Videos in SFML? : SFML
2021年3月9日 · How do you code SFML in C++ to become a media player for playing videos? To play .mpeg, .avi, .mp3, .mp4 etc within SFML. E.g. You win a stage, then a cut-scene video …
2.6.2 to 3.0 WSAPI - en.sfml-dev.org
2025年2月15日 · Question: 3.0.0 .. miniaudio .. is this a replacement for OpenAL, or is it integrated in SFML ? Modified: ... ok, I have removed <openal32.lib> from the program and …
How to get FPS in SFML 2 - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2012年2月12日 · This will display your fps on the console, if you want to display it in the sfml window, you will have to load a font file and use the sfml text function which require a few …
Can someone clearly explain the coordinate system. - Simple and …
2013年4月29日 · But the problem in doing this comes back to the problem with the explanations in the tutorial about the co-ordinates. To make matters even more confused, i have read a post …
Author Topic: sf::Seconds delay? (Read 16672 times) - Simple and …
2012年8月23日 · Third you're loading a new image whenever you press a key, this leads to the freezing, when keeping the key pressed, since SFML then is working very hard loading …
how to create a grid? - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2011年11月22日 · Read the SFML tutorials on creating windows and printing sprites. After that, you should be able to make your own logic on how to do what you want. You may want to …
TGUI: a c++ GUI for SFML (with Form Builder)
2012年2月12日 · * TGUI used the camelCase notation which is the same as SFML uses. * Just like SFML, it is licensed under the zlib/libpng license. * Cross-platform: Windows, Linux and …
Shooting Bullets System - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2015年5月12日 · The idea of this forum is to help you with concrete questions regarding SFML, not to teach you game development. You'll find a lot of books or tutorials on the internet that …
Author Topic: Switching 'scenes' (Read 18469 times) - Simple and …
2014年8月17日 · SFML community forums » Help » General » Switching 'scenes' DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio SMF 2. ...
Is there a way to use the windows' default file/folder selector?
2024年3月28日 · No, SFML doesn't offer such a functionality, but there are various libraries that have implemented this in some way or another.