Using SFML with C, not C++ - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2019年4月22日 · Although I haven't used SFML with C, I believe it's the same as with C++ but without the double colon separator to make a single name. e.g. sf::CircleShape becomes sfCircleShape It seems that there is some documentation with the CSFML source code .
SFML c++ event.key.code
2021年7月10日 · C'est pour ça que j'aurais préféré utiliser le keyPressed, pour que l'evenement n'arrive qu'une seule fois. Seulement avec celui-ci, je n'arrive pas à récupérer la touche dans event.key.code Si vous avez suivi jusque là je vais même aller plus loin.
Installing SFML for VS Code
2020年1月21日 · Copy DLL's like "sfml-system-2.dll", "sfml-graphics-2.dll" and so on to the "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" folder (for 64bit system) or to "C:\Windows\System32" (for 32bit system). It is good to copy them when you develop because you do not need to copy them every time and they will not spend your hard disk space.
SFML for pure C. Howto needed
2018年3月19日 · You don't have to use Visual Studio, on Windows you can also use MinGW-w64 for SFML or CSFML. Don't forget that in order to use CSFML, you'll have to also build SFML, as CSFML is just a C API wrapper around the C++ library.
How to do Real Animation in C++ SFML
2016年5月21日 · im kinda confused on how the animation works in SFML.. So ima try to explain where i am at and where i am confused. So Right now this is the full sprite: As you can see above those are the sprites.. Here is the code i currently have:
SFML C++ Linker Errors | Visual studio 2017
2018年8月19日 · Author Topic: SFML C++ Linker Errors | Visual studio 2017 (Read 5310 times)
C++ SFML, Circular Movement - Help!
2013年9月18日 · Here is some tips focusing on the player's paddle. (the difference is that the computer's paddle will be flat at 270 o)
Compile Project on Windows Via Cmd - Simple and Fast …
2014年4月30日 · I've got a simple file "main.cpp" seen below. I also have all the sfml 2.1 libraries under "C:\SFML-2.1\". My question is: What are the commands to compile, link, and run this project? I'm very comfortable using gcc to compile projects from the command line, but have never done so with any external libraries (such as sfml) before.
C# RenderWindow.pollEvent - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2013年3月28日 · Hi: I'm having troubles getting the SFML 2.0 RenderWindow.PollEvent to work. Here's my code (based on this tutorial
SFML c'est limite - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2015年6月29日 · Re : SFML c'est limite « Reply #3 on: June 28, 2015, 06:16:55 pm » Escusez moi je me suis mal expimée je voualit plutot dire esque avec la SFML on peut faire tous type de jeux (platform, FPS ect...) et tous type de vus (2D, 2D iso, 3D) esque même quelqu'un qui sait bien utiliser la SFML equ'il peut recréer des jeux qui sont fait par des ...