How do i put icons at my application?
2012年11月14日 · Well if you use a sf::RenderWindow, then you should look at the documentation for the rendern window, where you'd see sf::RenderWindow::setIcon. Also keep in mind that this will only change the icon at runtime, but the application icon in for example the explorer won't change. You'd have to set this in your IDE.How do i put icons at my application?
Setting application icon - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2009年7月8日 · I think he wants to load the icon from the executable There are more cross-platform techniques to achieve that, like converting your icon file to a C++ header, and then using LoadFromMemory functions family in SFML.
[SOLVED]Custom Icons in SFML?
2011年11月13日 · I suppose you mean the .exe file icon. not the icon thats displayed in the title bar. (in case you mean that, there is a sfml function for that). you could either use reshacker or something like that. or you could include one icon as a "resource" with the id IDI_ICON1 or something like that. (then you could also set it as the title-bar icon)
Set icon from resource - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2013年8月31日 · Visual Studio let us import an icon into the resource and when building it the icon will be used for the program's icon (the actual executable icon) but in order to set the icon on the window title bar (left side) and for when we do alt-tab, we need to set it at runtime. I didn't find a way to set the icon with sfml with icon being in the resources (not loading an …
Question: How to setup icon for SFML window
2009年3月17日 · As the question stated, how do i do it. When ever i try to setup the icon, it always comes out wierd. Below is my code that i use
Window::setIcon (...) documentation
2015年11月12日 · Currently the documentation plainly states "Change the window's icon." This has worked great for me on Windows before to easily set a window's icon, even make the icon embedded in the executable if I want to. SFML aims to support other OS's however. I decided to try to use setIcon () on Ubuntu 15.04 two ways. First using an imported C - struct from Gimp, then using a loaded image
set icon? - en.sfml-dev.org
2015年7月16日 · how can i set an icon of window to a .ico file?
How to use RenderWindow.SetIcon in sfml.NET
2021年5月2日 · SFML community forums » Bindings - other languages » DotNet » How to use RenderWindow.SetIcon in sfml.NET
Change Icon of *.exe - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
2008年9月17日 · 1 ICON "your_ico.ico" then compile. PS:use SnIco Edit to create new icon, or , or Icon Sushi to extract it from an executable. PS2: sorry for my englishChange Icon of *.exe
How to properly set icon to window? - en.sfml-dev.org
2016年10月8日 · I searched on the internet for the answer, and all I found were topics older than 8 years. My question is what is the best and properly way to set icon to the render window? And also to .exe.