Investigation of Solid Fuel Ramjets Using Analytical Theory and ...
2025年1月3日 · This paper investigates the modeling and analysis of a solid-fuel ramjet (SFRJ) using analytical theory and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The primary objectives of this study are to first apply analytical theories of an SFRJ in combination with combustion physics from NASA CEA software to establish a foundation for analytically modeling ...
Characterizing and predicting bluff-body solid fuel ramjet …
2023年12月28日 · In this work, we propose a rapid optimization approach to examine its application potential for the design and performance prediction and optimization of a solid fuel ramjet (SFRJ) with a bluff body. For this, the shape of the bluff body is parameterized first using the non-uniform rational B-spline method.
Combustion characteristics of a novel design of solid-fuel ramjet …
2019年9月1日 · The idea is to enlarge the solid fuel surface area contacting with incoming air to enhance the heat transfer into the solid fuel and then the regression rate. Moreover, this paper also investigates numerically the proposed SFRJ design using an in-house CFD code.
Nammo Raufoss AS has since 2016 worked with Solid Fuel Ramjet (SFRJ) technology in co-operation with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) for rocket motor applications and in co-operation with Boeing for projectile applications.
Unsteady Simulation of Ignition of Turbulent Reactive Swirling Flow of ...
2019年6月29日 · Numerical simulations of unsteady, turbulent, reactive, and swirling flow coupled with solid-fuel pyrolysis have been performed using an in-house CFD solver. Experiments on SFRJ were conducted via a connected-pipe test facility to validate the developed code.
Solid Fuel Ramjet Engine, SFRJ, CFD Simulation, ANSYS Fluent
A propulsion system that creates thrust by compressing ram air is known as a solid fuel ramjet (SFRJ) engine. Simply put, it is an air-breathing engine that burns solid fuel using oxygen from the atmosphere instead of a fuel oxidizer carried inside the engine.
Numerical Investigation of Inlet Thermodynamic Conditions on …
2021年1月15日 · A CFD code is developed to simulate the two-dimensional, turbulent, reacting, unsteady flow in SFRJ. The effects of the swirl number, mass flow rate, and inlet temperature on SFRJ’s thermodynamic performance are discussed in Section 3 .
solid fuel ramjet (SFRJ). The solid fuel ramjet most often consists of a solid fuel grain which provides the walls for the combustion chamber [Ref. 1]. A sudden expan-sion at the air inlet end of the combustor can be used to provide flame stabilization in the SFRJ (Fig. 1). Combustion can be sustained through-
MR-CFD on LinkedIn: Solid Fuel Ramjet Engine, SFRJ, CFD …
Solid Fuel Ramjet Engine, SFRJ, CFD Simulation, ANSYS Fluent In this project, a solid fuel ramjet (SFRJ) engine has been numerically simulated by ANSYS Fluent software. We design the 2-D model by...
Investigation of Solid Fuel Ramjets using Analytical Theory and ...
This research serves as a foundational step in a broader investigation aimed at coupling SFRJ thrust dynamics with control systems for regulating thrust under uncertain operating conditions. AB - This paper investigates the modeling and analysis of a solid-fuel ramjet (SFRJ) using analytical theory and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).