The Student Union Building - Simon Fraser Student Society
SFU SUB: #Beyond_a_building, a new student experience! The much-anticipated SFU Student Union Building (SUB) opening is happening gradually starting August 23, 2021. Reaching this important milestone in the SFU and SFSS history wouldn’t have been possible without years of commitment from the SFU community.
SFSS table and room booking at the SUB - Simon Fraser Student Society
Book a table, room or space at the SUB. Learn more about SFU Student Union Building room booking guidelines for undergraduates students.
Overview, Location and Hours - Simon Fraser Student Society
The Student Union Building (SUB) is part of the Build SFU project, a $65M student-funded initiative led by the SFSS in cooperation with SFU. Since its inception in 2013, the project has been devoted to building the new SUB and a stadium for SFU’s Burnaby campus, both aiming to enhance the sense of community and student experience at SFU.
Student Union Building - Simon Fraser University
SFU unveils plans for new student housing and child care centre. SFU School of Medicine moves forward. Adjustments to cleaning services – What you need to know . Flushing Repair Costs Down the Drain. New improvements to tackle snow at SFU. Engineer Breaks Down Gender Barriers and SFU's Energy Emissions
Simon Fraser University, Student Union Building - Perkins&Will
Simon Fraser University (SFU) sought to create a new Student Union Building (SUB) to enhance the student experience at their Burnaby Mountain campus. Intended to be a ‘home away from home’, the new SUB provides students a fresh and welcoming focal point to student life with new amenities that support non-academic activities including lounge ...
Student Unions and Clubs - Simon Fraser University
Connect with your Unions to play an active role in improving SFU for students, faculty and staff alike. The Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) is a student-led organization that represents and advocates for the interests of the 25,000+ undergraduate students at SFU. Find out more.
温哥华|西蒙菲莎大学 SFU SUB大楼 - 哔哩哔哩
这个被吐槽了若干年的SFU SUB楼总算是在这学期正式开放了,这个玻璃楼修了多久我已经不记得了。 很多大一学生进校以为自己会有机会用上这个全新设施,可也许毕了业都未必建好了吧 [doge] ⭐️赶着剪辑出了这条两分钟的视频,送给温村 国内 以及世界各地生活的SFU毕业生伙伴,带你们看看这栋楼究竟长啥样,大家看看觉得跟想象的一样吗? SFU?也带大家共同回忆一下属于每一个人的大学时光与校园记忆~ 祝愿大家,无论身在何地都能够一切顺利,过上自己向往的生 …
Welcome to SFSS Go! Students and club execs can log in here to manage their club memberships. DSU executives can log in here to manage their Unions. Vendors can log in here to manage their bookings.
SFSS Go - Simon Fraser Student Society
Club mandate: Our focus is to advocate, educate, and fundraise to join the global effort of reversing child-focused humanitarian issues in the developing world.
Home - Simon Fraser Student Society
Start or join a club with students who share similar interests. Support and create student-driven initiatives by joining your student union. Engage with students on issues and events that matter to them as an at-large rep on an SFSS Board Committee. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Burnaby, BC.