SG-43 Goryunov - Wikipedia
The SG-43 Goryunov (Russian: Станковый пулемёт системы Горюнова, Stankovyy pulyemyot sistyemy Goryunova, meaning "Mounted machinegun, Goryunov design") was a Soviet medium machine gun that was introduced during the Second World War.
Machine gun SG-43 (Machine Gun Goryunova)
2012年5月19日 · SG-43 was equipped with a heavy interchangeable barrel. The barrel needed to be replaced via 500 shots, it took up to 8 seconds to replace. The kit included two spare barrel. The work of automation took place due to removal of powder gases into the gas chamber of the closed type, located at the bottom of the barrel.
SG43郭留诺夫重机枪 - 百度百科
sg43“郭留诺夫”重机枪 是 第二次世界大战 时期前 苏联 研发 [1] 制成的重型机枪,它的出现成功的替代了 马克沁 m1910 水冷式机枪。sg43“郭留诺夫”重机枪属于营级武器,在研制成功后被大量的装备与部队。
SG43 - Forgotten Weapons
The SG43 was a medium machine gun developed in Russia during World War II (1943, as you might have gathered from the designation). The initial development was done by Degtyarev, who was responsible for the current light (DP28) and heavy (DShK) machine guns in Russian service.
SG-43 Goryunov — Soviet Union’s “Cheap” Medium Machine Gun
2024年9月17日 · The SG-43/SGM is hardly one of the more famous Soviet firearms designs, and one factor could be that it has hardly appeared in any Western-made films — though it has appeared in dozens of Soviet-made films, but only those made after World War II.
如何评价 7.62mm SG-43「郭留诺夫」式重机枪(包括 SGM)?
SG-43重机枪是战争中后期进入红军序列的,取代水冷式的马克沁重机枪。 如果跟水冷马克沁重机枪比,它肯定更好,气冷式+可更换枪管的机枪取代水冷式机枪是当时的一大趋势,这一点来说SG-43肯定没错。 水冷式机枪需要冷却水,勤务操作不便,还有管退式自动机+水冷套筒麻烦也很多,要解决枪管与水冷套筒结合部密封问题。 导气式原理、枪机偏移式闭锁、枪机框斜槽驱动的平动式弹链受弹机工作可靠性也是不错的。 因为枪身和枪架重,瞄准基线长,射击精度也不错。 …
SG-43 Goryunov Machine Gun | World War II Database - WW2DB
In May 1943, the SG-43 Goryunov gas-operated machine guns were introduced into service. They were designed by P. M. Goryunov and manufactured at the Kovrov plant. They were typically mounted on either wheels, tripods, or directly on vehicles.
SG-43中型機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SG-43亦是朝鲜战争中的 朝鲜人民军 、 中國人民志願軍 及 越戰 的 越南南方民族解放陣線 游擊隊 的裝備之一。 SG-43主要安裝在三腳架、輪式射架或車輛上。 SG-43有多種衍生型,如SGMB和 坦克 上的SGMT,在二戰後期推出了改進型SGM(СГМ),戰後SG-43/SGM更大量出口, 中國 亦有進行仿制,仿制的SG-43称 53式重機槍,仿制的SGM称 57式重機槍。 中华人民共和国 [1] - 朝鲜战争 中大量使用。 埃及 -授權在本土生產。 [2] 芬兰 -在 二戰 期間有限地繳獲使用。 …
Russia’s SG-43 World War II Machine Gun Went to War Everywhere
2020年7月17日 · After World War II the SG-43, in various configurations, was exported to Soviet allies and it was used in the Korean War by the North Korean and Communist Chinese forces and later it was...
SG-43 Goryunov | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The SG-43 Goryunov was an air-cooled, gas-operated, heavy machine gun that was used by the Soviet Union during World War II. It fired the 7.62x54mmR Cartridge and was fed by 200 to 250 round belts inserted through the side of the weapon.