SG5-K - DayZ Wiki
The SG5-K is a select-fire submachine gun in DayZ. Infrequently found in military installations around Chernarus and Livonia, the SG5-K is a mid-sized, tier 3 submachine gun chambered in 9x19mm Rounds. The weapon in-game is a Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW with a Picatinny claw-rail along the top of the receiver to mount optics.
SG5 K Summary for DayZ: Stats, Attachments, Damage & Range of the SG5 …
In DayZ, the MP5, or SG5-K, is a potent submachine gun. It has a high rate of fire and deals significant damage, making it ideal for close-quarters fighting. It has an optic sight attachment slot, which makes hitting targets when aiming through the sights simple at range.
各位老哥,SMG-5到底是手枪天赋加成还是机枪天赋加成??请教 …
用的是手枪9MM子弹,拆卸了是手枪零件。 你说它用的什么技能呢.
低价好用——smg-45【三角洲行动吧】_百度 ... - 百度贴吧
低价好用——smg-..推荐一把自用的枪,主打巴克什。 这把枪的主要优势就是标题所说的,价格相当低,整枪10w的价格,并且相当好压差不多就是纯激光枪,下赛季还要出这把枪的金丹。
Is the ATOG Scope worth putting on the SG5-K SMG?
2020年3月22日 · I've tried different scopes and Iron Sights for it, the ATOG is the only Assault Rifle Scope that can be attached to the SG5-K from what I've experimented with so far, so I want to ask about it before I put it through any testing.
USG-45 or SG5-K :: DayZ General Discussions - Steam Community
2019年1月5日 · Does it take the pistol supressor, or is there an SMG version? Yeah pistol supressor. I find more SG5-Ks and their mags with ammo than loose/boxes of 9mm and find more loose/boxes of .45 than USGs and their mags. UMP deals more damage and is good in the northwest where .45 is easier to find.
Best smg? : r/dayz - Reddit
2022年2月2日 · SG5-K has the best DPS. UMP-45 has the best control (Sway and Recoil) Scorpion is the fastest/easiest to find as well as its ammo, offers decent protection at Coast. Bizon is an “upgraded” version of Scorpion, offering a bigger array of attachments, a super gigantic mag, but trades off a bit of dps.
Which is the king of the smg’s? SG5, USG, or Bizon? : r/dayz - Reddit
2022年2月22日 · Objectively the mp5 is the best smg. It does the most damage to armored opponents, has a good rate of fire and can be mounted with optics. The 30rd mag is more than enough for most situations. But I like the scorpion and bizon more. .380 wears down silencers slower and the ammo is more common.
(萌新向)少女前线主流5星枪推荐——SMG篇 - 哔哩哔哩
本篇会给出一些实用性和泛用性强的5星smg推荐;有一些特化枪正文就不写了,我会给个特化枪大纲,还有新人可能不好拿到的打捞枪也写个大纲。 这里注意, 新人不要想着练太多5星枪 ,5星枪练到五扩最多要耗105核心,练太多核心肯定不够用, 建议练低耗枪 ...
Ok let’s settle this, best smg : r/dayz - Reddit
Personally, I think the SG 5K is the best. Better for attachments, it has a common ammo type and it’s compact (it also sounds crisp as hell). They all suck for pvp but the bizon with a pso and silencer is a monster of a zombie killer. Usg for pvp although i'd take a shotgun any day. Eh, depends on the situation I’m in.
Category:Submachine Guns - DayZ Wiki
Pages in category "Submachine Guns" The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.
SMG5配件分享 抗衡短剑的冲锋枪 - 哔哩哔哩
配件在片尾 视频播放量 2579、弹幕量 0、点赞数 33、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 10、转发人数 2, 视频作者 温柔帅气可靠, 作者简介 成为fps糕手,相关视频:冲锋枪里的mg42,点内有我一个就够了,经典改模加倍镜,战队皮也开始藏机瞄了是吧!碳素切割再次被换皮!
AR、SMG、LMG等一波的枪械英文缩写大科普,总有几个你不知 …
2018年1月9日 · SMG:Sub machine gun,冲锋枪,这是美国人定义的,意思是小型机关枪,冲锋枪我国的定义和西方不太一样,比如管56冲这类标准的突击步枪也叫做冲锋枪,现代很少用了,但还是有一些老人习惯将枪身较短,但是可以自动射击的武器叫做冲锋枪,国际上一般的定义是 ...
SMG-5 - 7 Days to Die Wiki
An SMG-5 (sub-machine gun) is a rapid fire ranged weapon, which can be crafted or found throughout the world of 7 Days to Die in containers, such as weapon bags, Gun Safes, Crates, and Loot bags. The SMG uses 9mm Ammo and will hold ~28 bullets. Despite being called a sub-machine gun, it uses the...
【三角洲行动】SMG-45超好用的中距离冲锋枪实战 附改枪码
简介:SMG-45冲锋枪-烽火地带-6EQAF1G06OS1QIL;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 1809、弹幕量 0、点赞数 12、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 2、转发人数 1, 视频作者 蟹阿靳_, 作者简介 人终将被年少不可得之物 困其一生 ...
Download 'SG552' Mods for Left 4 Dead 2 - GameMaps.com
2024年1月15日 · A replace for the SG552 using the C.A.R. SMG know now more as (Combat Advanced Round Submachine Gun) from Apex Legends with its original animations. Test working on multiplayer. See changelog for custom sound installation.
007 Nightfire - SG5 Commando (SMG) [Ace of Spades] [Mods]
The SG5 Commando from the console version of 007 Nightfire... An Ace of Spades (AOS) Mod in the SMG category, submitted by Chromatose
pvc sg5什么意思 - 百度知道
2014年9月27日 · sg代表悬浮法生产的pvc树脂,一般分1~8型,也就是sg1~sg8,sg1型分子量最大,sg8型分子量最小,硬质的pvc管材、型材等选择sg5型,注塑产品一般选sg8型,pvc软质制品一般选择sg4型或以下。
SIG SG 550 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The SIG SG 550 (S turm G ewehr) is a Swiss assault rifle designed by Jürgen Baumann [1] and Ennio Mattarelli around 1978 and produced by Schweizerische Industrie-Gesellschaft since 1986; production of the rifle is currently handled by SIG Sauer AG (formerly SAN Swiss Arms AG) with the privatization of SIG's firearms division in 2000.