SG5 to STi - Subaru Forester Owners Forum
2016年2月22日 · Recently, I took the leap to start the mod I always wanted to do, a full JDM SG5 STi body conversion. I will update pics as the stuff arrives and I have time to install. I have being shipped every SG5 sTi panel including full doors,bu mpers, side skirts, hatch, lights, hood, fenders. this is my goal (sorry, not my picture)
披着羊皮的狼 改装斯巴鲁森林人(SG5) - 知乎专栏
不过相类似的wrx sti版的改造,在国内已经较为普遍,只需安装时稍加细致和认真便可获得一台不可轻视的suv。 图:引擎舱内,性能平平的EJ205已经变身成为原装已具备280匹输出的EJ207红顶机器。
ScreamingMetal:: 純粹當帥哥 Subaru Forester SG5 2.0XT Cross …
2017年3月15日 · 正如同第一段說的,銀蛋號是一台前期型SG5,這其實是外觀最千變萬化的一款Forester。 為什麼SG5會這麼多變化? 因為Subaru真的很神奇,他不僅前後期的外觀不同,連2.0/2.5的外觀都不同... 而銀蛋號很特別的是,他改了一個特殊版本,是更改了外觀、STI調教了底盤,叫做Cross Sports。 大家可以用上面兩張照片,來比對一下白色、銀色兩台車車頭的差別 (白色是標準版2.5,銀色是2.0版改Cross Sports車頭),你就知道Subaru是個很搞怪的車廠。 明 …
A “Must Have” guide for Forester SG Series Owners
2019年9月12日 · Forester SG 2003-2005 models. There is one major question you want to ask yourself: Do you want to keep the existing bumpers or you want to go Cross Sports or STi route. XT Body Kits. Note: The front STi lip is different to Sports, it is lower and a lot more rare. Cross Sports/STi Conversions. Crossfire Front end.
building a forester sti - NASIOC
2018年4月19日 · The SG5 (04-05) is solid. The 04 has the same engine as a 04 STi. The main difference between the SG5 and the SG9 (06-08) is the face lift that occurred in 06, along with difference tail lights and smooth lower door panels vs the ridged. 05-08 have stock EJ255 vs the EJ257 found in STis.
Anyone own or driven a SG (04-08) STI swapped Forester?
I just sold my 57k mile 2011 STI sedan a couple weeks ago to get a pretty unique 04 FXT with 2005 STI swap. I was missing my '07 Forester ever since my daughter started driving it. I like having a hatch and a moonroof, so I figured it was time to change things up. I have a list of 40 issues to fix on the new car already, 4 days in, but no regrets.
JDM车图分享-斯巴鲁SG9/SG5 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年6月27日 · sg5. 突然发现他能满足我最用车的所有需求.有范,便宜,能跑,能拉.如果有机缘巧合,会入手一台.不过很多人因为他的水平对置发动机有想法,怕维修保养麻烦,导致很多人不敢入手.
SG5 vs. SG6 vs. SG9 - what gives?! (merged thread)
2015年7月12日 · There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding on the terms SG5 or SG9 for the 03-08 model year foresters. I wanted to shed some light for a proper technical understanding that comes from Subaru of Japan since they are the ones producing the cars and designing them.
GD USDM STI swap into SG '03-'08 Forester - NASIOC
2015年12月18日 · I am thinking of swapping '04 USDM STI everything into an '03-'08 SG chassis Forester. I am no stranger to Subaru swapping. I am looking for threads that show me the Forester specific issues, what bolts right in, what needs some tweaking.
SG5 STI Mod or SG9 w/Cobb AP? (AT a Must) - Subaru Forester Owners Forum
2015年1月17日 · * "a new automatic transmission that improves AWD control with revised logic that provides better cornering performance and traction" - researched the heck out of this and haven't found any real details, but if SG9 AT can handle more power and is more reliable - will make this decision easier.
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