Validation and modification of simplified Geriatric Assessment and ...
2023年12月22日 · Applying the sGA to the total cohort, the 5-year OS rate for the fit, unfit, and frail group was 71.6%, 64.8%, and 52.0%, respectively. According to sGA results, OS rates were significantly different between the fit and frail groups, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 2.60 for frail versus fit (95% CI: 1.46–4.62; p < 0.001).
The Role of Geriatric Assessment in the Management of Diffuse …
The simplified geriatric assessment (sGA) from the elderly project by the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi, prospectively tested on the largest number of patients, categorizes patients as fit, unfit, or frail, with a decreasing rate of overall survival.
Simplified Geriatric Assessment in Older Patients With Diffuse …
2021年2月12日 · Because at multivariate analysis on oGA, age > 80 years retained an independent correlation with OS, we also developed a new, simplified version of the GA (sGA) that classifies patients as fit (55%), unfit (28%), and frail (18%) with significantly different 3-year OS of 75%, 58%, and 43%, respectively.
Simplified Geriatric Assessment-Albumin: The Modified Tool for …
2023年11月2日 · The sGA, which was modified from original geriatric assessment (oGA), incorporates age, activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental ADL, and Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics (CIRS-G), identifying patients into fit, unfit, and frail group.
J Clin Oncol:简化版老年患者评估量表在DLBCL老年患者中的应用…
2021年2月22日 · 鉴于在oga多变量分析中,年龄大于80岁与os有独立的相关性,研究人员还开发了一种新的简化版的ga(sga),可将患者分为合适(55%)、不合适(28%)和虚弱(18%),三年的os分别为75%、58%和43%。
New treatment options in elderly patients with Diffuse Large B-cell ...
Fit older patients can benefit from a standard immunochemotherapy, while unfit/frail patients frequently need reduced doses or substitution of particular agents with less toxic ones. This review focuses on new therapies (e.g., polatuzumab vedotin, tafasitamab, bispecific antibodies) that have indicated promising results in relapsed/refractory ...
(完整版)主观全面评价SGA营养评估表 - 百度文库
1.体重变化,考虑过去6个月或近2周的,若过去5个月变化显著,但近一个月无丢失或增加,或近2周经治疗后体重稳定,则体重丢失一项不予考虑。 2.胃肠道症状至少持续2周,偶尔一两次不予考虑。 3.应激参照:大面积烧伤、高烧、或大量出血属高应激,长期发烧、慢性腹泻属中应激,长期低烧或恶性肿瘤属低应激。
PG—SGA 肿瘤病人营养状况评估操作手册 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
PG-SGA (患者主观整体评估)由患者自我评估部分及医务人员评估部分两部分组成,具体内容包括体重、摄食情况、症状、活动和身体功能、疾病与营养需求的关系、代谢方面的需要、体格检查等7个方面, 前4个方面由患者自己评估,后3个方面由医务人员评估,总体评估包括定性评估及定量评估两种。 一、病人自评表. 1.体重. 目前我的体重约为__kg;1个月前体重约为__kg;6个月前体重约为__kg。 减轻(1) 没变化(0) 增加(0) 工作表1 体重评分. 操作说明: 患者目前 …
高齢DLBCL患者の評価と予後予測指標 - メモ帳
2021年4月10日 · 目的 高齢のびまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫 (DLBCL)患者について、診断時点での単 純化 した高齢患者評価simplified geriatric assessment (sGA)の使用と、予後スコアとの統合を前方視的に評価すること。 方法 著者らは、64歳以上のDLBCL患者で、治療前にFondazione Italiana Linfomiのoriginal geriatric assessment (oGA)による評価を受けた患者について、前方視的なElderly Project研究を実施した。 治療の選択は担当医の裁量に委ねた。 主要評価項目は全 …
病人自评主观全面评定法(PG-SGA) - 百度文库
患者主观整体评估(Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment, PG-SGA)是在主观整体评估(Subjective Global Assessment, SGA) 的基础上发展起来的。 最先由美国Ottery FD于1994年提出,是专门为肿 瘤患者设计的营养状况评估方法。
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