Investigation of Gate-Induced Drain Leakage (GIDL) Current in …
2003年4月1日 · Gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) current is investigated in single-gate (SG) ultra-thin body field effect transistor (FET), symmetrical double-gate (DG) FinFET, and asymmetrical DG metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) devices. Measured reductions in GIDL current for SG and DG thin-body devices are reported for the first time.
半导体器件——GIDL篇 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Definition: Gate Induced Drain Leakage; 以NMOS为例,当gate不加压或加负压,drain端加高电压, 使得gate和drain的交叠区域出现了一个从drain指向gate的强电场,靠近gate oxide 附近出现强耗尽区,形成电势变化非…
Gate-Induced Drain Leakage (GIDL): Understanding Another …
2024年12月11日 · Gate-Induced Drain Leakage (GIDL) is a key issue in modern transistor tech. It happens due to high field effects in MOS transistor drain junctions. GIDL impacts submicrometer CMOS tech, affecting DRAM, EEPROM, and logic circuits. Definition and Overview. GIDL is a leakage caused by band-to-band tunneling in strong accumulation mode. It shows up ...
EDA探索丨第7期:GIDL:DIBL的远房兄弟 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
TFT的异常漏电机制--GIDL效应 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年9月19日 · GIDL产生电流:漏PN结由于反偏,产生率大于复合率,在栅压控制下,硅和二氧化硅界面处陷阱充当产生中心而引发的一种栅诱导的漏极泄漏电流。 GIDL效应原理(Gate Induced Drain Leakage)(1)当Vgs>0V、Vds<0V时,TFT沟道为N型,源漏区为P+型,漏极附近形成反向PN结,并且对此PN结外加横向电压为反偏电压,因此几乎没有电荷通过,电流非常小 …
Computational study of gate-induced drain leakage in 2D …
Abstract: Gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) is one of the main leakage mechanisms in field-effect transistors (FETs), especially access transistors that are widely employed in a variety of memory technologies. In this work, GIDL in emerging two-dimensional (2D) FETs is evaluated for the first time, by employing a novel dissipative quantum ...
MOS器件理论之–DIBL, GIDL (转) - 智于博客
1) DIBL (Drain Induced Barrier Low):也叫漏极感应势垒降低,其实这就是短沟道效应的理论解释,以前总是讲沟道长度缩小,Vt也会减小 (RSCE除外),但是在Vt的公式里又找不到与沟道长度相关的参数,所以很难理解。 下面就来仔细理解一下。 MOSFET的阈值电压 (Vt)的影响factor主要有三部分组成,首先是抵消功函数 (Work Function)以及GOX电荷所需电压,也就是平带电压 (Vfb),我们PIE对Vt的了解就这些了,但这只是最基本的。 Vt的第二部分为产生强反型时所需 …
(PDF) 3DNAND GIDL-Assisted Body Biasing for Erase
2017年5月14日 · Gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) current is investigated in single-gate (SG) ultra-thin body field effect transistor (FET), symmetrical double-gate (DG)...
It is shown by TCAD simulations how the gate-induced drain leakage which dominates the OFF-current in 22nm double-gate and 32nm single-gate SOI nFETs with high-K gate stacks, can be minimized by proper variations of
(PDF) Analysis of Gate-Induced Drain Leakage Mechanisms in …
2014年5月1日 · However, gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) is a major concern at low power technology nodes because of band-to-band and trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) due to...