IRIX - Wikipedia
IRIX (/ ˈ aɪ r ɪ k s /, EYE-ricks) is a discontinued operating system developed by Silicon Graphics (SGI) to run on the company's proprietary MIPS workstations and servers. It is based on UNIX System V with BSD extensions.
IRIX操作系统|极客笔记 - Deepinout
IRIX 是一款已经停用的 操作系统。 它主要由 Silicon Graphics (SGI) 设计,用于运行该组织专有的MIPS服务器和工作站。 它基于 UNIX System V ,并包含了BSD扩展。 SGI创建了XFS文件系统和组织标准的OpenGL图形系统,用于IRIX操作系统。 SGI的IRIX操作系统基于行业标准的UNIX。 因此,建立了一个高科技和可视化计算的基础。 它兼容UNIX系统V版本4和常规的 UNIX 95 。 因此,它支持POSIX,并且兼容于2000年,等等。 IRIX被应用于像Octane、Onyx、Iris等SGI的独 …
IRIX - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
irix是由硅谷图形公司(sgi)以system v與bsd延伸程式為基礎所發展成的unix 作業系統,irix可以在sgi公司的risc型電腦上執行,即是採行32位元、64位元mips架構的sgi工作站、伺服器。
SGI Software Resources - Silicon Graphics User Group
2019年2月4日 · We aim to be a friendly hobbyist community for discussing all aspects of SGIs, including use, software development, the IRIX Operating System, and troubleshooting, as well as facilitating hardware exchange.
2019年7月27日 · You can follow any IRIX installation guide on the net with the love installer. The features are: designed specifically for network installation of IRIX; it uses labels instead of cumbersome paths: love.6530.1 instead of /mnt/IRIX/6.5.30/Overlays_1_of_3/dist; it is multiplatform (runs on IRIX, LINUX and WINDOWS)
Huge list of IRIX programming software
2024年11月11日 · Silicon Graphics User Group (SGUG) is a community for users, developers, and admirers of Silicon Graphics (SGI) products. We aim to be a friendly hobbyist community for discussing all aspects of SGIs, including use, software development, the IRIX Operating System, and troubleshooting, as well as facilitating hardware exchange.
IRIX - 百度百科
IRIX是由硅谷图形公司(Silicon Graphics Inc.,一般用简称:SGI,美国图形工作站生产厂商)以System V与BSD延伸程序为基础所发展成的UNIX操作系统,对于3-D视图和虚拟现实环境最优化了的应用软件。
Can Hobbyists Bring SGI’s IRIX OS Back To Life? - Hackaday
2023年5月31日 · Irix was the operating system developed by Silicon Graphics from 1988 to 1998. The OS supported the company’s high-end workstations and served in many serious roles. The company cut off support...
Software : IRIX Introduction - sgistuff.net
IRIX 3.x was based on UNIX System V Release 3 with 4.3BSD enhancements, and incorporated the 4Sight windowing system, based on NeWS and IRIS GL. The next major version (4D1-4.0) was introduced in 1991. SGI replaced 4Sight with the X Window System (X11R4), using Xsgi and the 4Dwm window manager providing a similar look and feel to 4Sight.
IRIX 6.5 - WinWorld
IRIX 6.5. IRIX was a operating system created by SGI (Silicon Graphics Inc) that was based off of System V Unix. In addition, this OS had additional BSD elements. It's initial release was in 1988 and was designed to on MIPS processors.
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