Indigo2 non-Impact Power Supply Repair - Hints welcome
2022年1月7日 · While Indigo2 and Indy use Mini-8 connectors you can go to any old PC recycler and get an old MAC modem cable and splice that. Pinouts for terminal interface are in the SGI indigo2 manual!
A Mysterious Red Indigo2 | Silicon Graphics User Group
2024年7月2日 · There's a picture of a red Indigo2 case with a strange badge floating around the internet. Some say it was an early prototype for Impact systems. To my eye it looks like a color corrected photo of a regular Indigo2 (hence the greenish reflection), but that's just me. And that doesn't explain...
SGI Indigo2 IMPACT Back Up and Running
2020年6月18日 · Wow, imgur says *five* *years* ago I pulled out Amy's Indigo2 IMPACT machine and started cleaning it up: This machine came from Virginia Tech surplus, pretty sure Amy picked it up while we were still in college. Someone helpfully wrote a bunch of information down and stuck it inside the front...
WTB - Indigo2 video option board (for indycam), Max Impact card.
2020年1月29日 · I've just recently acquired a pristine Indigo2 R10K Impact. Looking to spice it up a notch, connect my indycam and also upgrade the Solid Impact with a Max Impact. I'm also looking for several memory modules for Fuel/Tezro/Origin 300. I'm based in Los Angeles. Cheers
Fixing the Indigo2 TRAM problem - Silicon Graphics User Group
2020年6月13日 · Fixing the failed joints from overheating and warped PCBs is only half the issue. Airflow must be addressed to avoid similar issues from cropping up again. One of the biggest issues with trying to replace the stock fans on SGI systems is the fact that they utilize two-pin connectors and in general this greatly limits options.
Troubleshooting an Indigo2 High Impact - forums.sgi.sh
2022年1月24日 · I have an Indio2 High Impact on the way which apparently doesn't turn on. This is what the seller has said so far Just a few words on history of machine which may aid diagnostics... it initially would not work when I acquired it however after applying isopropyl to riser CPU and gpu contacts...
Indigo 2 Power Supply Basics - Silicon Graphics User Group
2019年2月4日 · The SGI Vault M is an external SCSI disk enclosure based on the Indigo 2 chassis, and uses the Indigo 2 PSU to power the disks inside. It achieves PSU stability by presenting 1 Ohm of resistance on the +5V rail, for 25W of power draw.
What is the Rarest Piece of SGI Hardware you own?
2019年7月17日 · Indigo2 High Impact R4400 "MardiGras Prototype" is probably the rarest I own. It does not have a serial number / model nameplate in the back, only a faded piece of paper on it that is almost impossible to read with naked eye. With some photo enhancements, you can see the original prototype sticker there.
Getting started with SGIs, where to start to get a full development ...
2020年7月18日 · Hello! I just got an SGI Indigo2 Impact with an R10k. I would love to get into developing on this platform and maybe even using it to develop my senior year capstone project for my bachelor's degree in CS just because it would be …
For sale: SGI Indigo2 - Silicon Graphics User Group
2022年1月24日 · About us Silicon Graphics User Group (SGUG) is a community for users, developers, and admirers of Silicon Graphics (SGI) products. We aim to be a friendly hobbyist community for discussing all aspects of SGIs, including use, software development, the IRIX Operating System, and troubleshooting, as well as facilitating hardware exchange.