what is SGN??? - Lawn Care Forum
2008年5月25日 · SGN stands for "size guide number." SGN refers to the prill size of any given fertilizer. The higher the SGN rating, the larger the prills will be. For example, a fertilizer with an SGN rating of 200, will have bigger prills than a fertilizer with an SGN rating of 150. Understand?
SGN question - Lawn Care Forum
2009年4月25日 · SGN is size guide number, smaller number equals smaller particles. Also important is the UI uniformity index, which means what percent of all the granules in the bag are at the stated SGN. It's useful for helping make good guesses first time out when you change materials in a spreader.
lebanon parex - Lawn Care Forum
2002年7月1日 · The blend I liked best at that website was the 21-2-20 56% CRN (controlled release N) with a claimed SGN of 230. If the raw IBDU is manufactured at an average SGN of 250, then the Uniformity Index may be fairly wide. A fair amount of very small prills is required to bring the SGN down to the claimed value.
SGN # ? again - Lawn Care Forum
2009年5月8日 · SGN 240+ is ag-grade fertilizer SGN 200-220 is nice lawn grade SGN 120-180 for fairways SGN 75-100 for greens & tees When applying pre emergent you'll get the best results with SGN220 & lower. This is especially important if you have a "high dose" pre that goes down at less than 4lbs/M.
Calibrating Spreader for LESCO Fertilizers - Lawn Care Forum
2015年7月16日 · For my area in the Western part of North Carolina (1hour, 15min WEST of Charlotte, NC) my local JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES recommends a July Fertilizer... the LESCO 5-0-20 w/ 10% IRON. My spreader is a Scotts AccuGreen 3000 Drop Spreader. The Lesco bag is 50lbs and covers 10,000sf. Their bag also...
Dimension Particle Size - Lawn Care Forum
2007年1月15日 · SGN 240 = Standard SGN 150 = Mini (this one bounces around to 180 sometimes) SGN 120 - Elite The Anderson's (was Scott's) uses SGN 215 for their Dimension which is nice. It's small enough to give 40% more prills per square foot than 240. Unlike the Lesco "Mini" it has a decent spread width.
prill size (sgn) - Lawn Care Forum
2014年3月11日 · However, the main reason that SGN sizes have gotten down to the current micro sized (75-90) prill is to avoid speckling of the turf. The finer grade prills release more uniformly on the short cut grass of a putting surface. As the heights of cut have went lower and lower so have the sgn numbers of greens grade granular fertilizers. John
I'm so confused; what truck and trailer combo do I...
2025年2月1日 · if they did scale you, they would say hey your load is too heavy for the trailer. You might get some type of ticket for that but I do not believe it would be a CDL ticket. Every cop is different but we have been running this for 10 years, been scaled and pulled over , Never once has it been an issue.
Scotts spreader settings - Lawn Care Forum
2015年5月19日 · Customer just gave me 2 scotts spreaders. Brand new in box. These are speap-ish homeowner type spreaders but hey...free. They are assembled, and I calibrated them. Can't find any info about their spread rates. Do the number mean lbs/1000 sq ft? (1 = 1lbs/1000 sq ft, 5 = 5lbs/1000 sq ft, etc). I...
lesco verses andersons - Lawn Care Forum
2008年4月10日 · I find the opposite. Every prill of the Lesco fertilizer has an SGN of 200 for their standard fertilizer. As far as dust, it has virtually none. My spreaders stay cleaner and spread more evenly with the consistent prill size. Anderson's is a nice fertilizer, but better than Lesco when it comes to the prill size and dust, I respectfully disagree.