The Population of the Galactic Center Filaments: Position Angle ...
2023年6月2日 · The dark feature in the continuum MeerKAT and GBT images is anticorrelated with the Sgr E CO cloud. This dark feature shows similar appearance to many GC molecular clouds that have been identified as radio dark clouds (Yusef-Zadeh 2012).
The Sgr E region, seen in Figure 1, is a star-forming complex located just outside the CMZ, spanning Galactic longitudes from l≈359°.3 –358°.3. The placement of the Sgr E complex in both position and line-of-sight velocity is consistent with the intersec-tion point between the dust lanes and the CMZ, as seen in Figure 2.
There Are Hundreds of Mysterious Filaments at the Center of the …
2023年6月6日 · Finally, it's also possible that the gravitational potential of our galaxy's central bar is tugging the Sgr E cloud. That could play a role in forming those filaments. A schematic diagram of the...
Radio Continuum Observations of Sgr E - ResearchGate
1993年9月30日 · High-resolution radio continuum and radio recombination line observations of Sgr E, one of the least studied H ii complexes in the Galactic center region, show that the distribution of the...
ALMA Uncovers Highly Filamentary Structure toward the Sgr E …
2022年11月2日 · We report on the discovery of linear filaments observed in the CO (1-0) emission for a ∼2′ field of view toward the Sgr E star-forming region, centered at ( l , b ) = (358.°720, 0.°011). The...
Using almost daily observations since 2006, this program has provided a unique baseline to study the long-term X-ray behavior of the central super-massive black hole Sgr A*. We post daily updates of the Swift data to allow for a quick response if the activity of Sgr A* changes, e.g., due to its interaction with the gas cloud "G2".
2023年6月3日 · On a smaller scale, the prominent Sgr E H II complex G358.7-0.0 provides a vivid example of the nearly radial distribution of short filaments. The bimodal PA distribution suggests a different origin for two distinct filament populations. We argue that the alignment of the short-
The Population of the Galactic Center Filaments: Position Angle ...
2023年6月2日 · We have examined the distribution of the position angle (PA) of the Galactic center filaments with lengths L > 66″ and <66″ as well as their length distribution as a function of PA. We find bimodal...
Radio continuum observations of SGR E. - NASA/ADS
The group of compact sources in the direction of the Galactic Centre (l=358°.7, b=0°) known as Sgr E has been observed with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope at 843 MHz and with the Very Large Array at 1.45 and 4.86 GHz.
Sgr E: a distant witness of Sgr A*'s past activity - NASA/ADS
This observation of the distant molecular cloud Sgr E, with XMM'slarge effective area, is required to probe putative old outbursts fromSgr A*. It will allow us to complete our global study of the Galacticcenter X-ray diffuse emission, which concludes that multiple shortevents happening few hundred years ago are currently propagating throughthe ...
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