SGX - Industrial
Choose SGX Sensortech as your trusted partner in industrial safety. Our wide range of reliable gas sensors and extensive expertise will help you safeguard your workforce from hazardous gas conditions, enabling a safer and more secure working environment.
SGX - PRODUCTS - SGX Sensortech
Whether it's detecting flammable gases, toxic substances, or volatile organic compounds, our advanced sensors provide reliable and accurate measurements for enhanced safety and environmental monitoring. Explore our diverse range of gas sensors and experience the reliability and performance of these cutting-edge technologies.
SGX - Sensor Selector
The SGX-BLD1P6 is a sensor module which measures the H2 concentration an... More. SGX-BLD2. SGX-BLD2 is a Hydrogen and Battery Leakage Detection se... More. SGX-BLD2_24V . SGX-BLD2_24V is a Hydrogen and Battery Leakage Detectio... More. SGX-BR2-5. 4 series Bromine 5ppm. More. SGX-BR2-5-MOD. Bromine sensor module 5ppm.
五十多年来,SGX SensorTech始终处于空气质量传感器技术的最前沿。 我们的各种创新型产品,广泛应用于汽车空气质量监控,室内空气质量检测,和工业安全的易燃易爆气体和有毒气体的检测。
关于我们-sgx - SGX SensorTech
sgx传感器,作为关键的检测元件,广泛应用于汽车空气质量监控,室内空气质量检测,和工业安全气体检测。 SGX Sensortech的生产规模每年逾200万只,提供优质的传感器和模块,满足最严酷的行业要求和安全标准。
《SGXSensortech微型MEMS催化燃烧式气体传感器MP7227产品分 …
2025年1月10日 · SGX Sensortech气体传感器集成于各种便携式气体检测仪及固定气体检测系统,广泛应用于公共设施、石油、石化、冶金、采矿、汽车、食品、医药、土建等领域。
产品-sgx - SGX SensorTech
The SGX Sensortech Integrated IR Gas Sensor provides users with a simple method of incorporating an Infrared Sensor into their gas detection instrument which will significantly reduce the development time and expertise required during the design and implementation phase.
Amphenol SGX Sensortech SGX-4x电化学传感器 - 贸泽
Amphenol SGX Sensortech SGX-4x电化学传感器是工业和商业气体检测产品。 这些空气质量传感器可让仪器制造商在选择用于一氧化碳 (CO)、硫化氢 (H₂S) 和氧气 (O₂) 的传感器时有更多选择。
Designed for long-term continuous sensing of CO2 and numerous hydrocarbon gases including vapours in fixed systems, SGX IR sensors are suited for portable instrumentation where shorter term usage is more usual. The metal mesh gas entrance aperture is also flame arresting and the whole body structure is explosion proof to ATEX, CSA and UL standards.
Electrochemical Gas Sensors from SGX - CDIStore.com
SGX has developed a range of Electrochemical Sensors for the detection a number of gases, including: Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Chlorine, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Phosphine, Ethylene Oxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Hydrogen, Ammonia and more. These sensors are drop-in replacements for existing electrochemical sensors.
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