山度 SHB-100 数显推拉力测试计 量程100N 内置传感器
shb-100数显式推拉力计是山度公司设计的新一代通用型便携式推拉 负荷测试仪器. 具有体积小、 重量轻、 容易携带、 多功能、 高精度等特点, 适用于各种产品的推拉负荷测试、 插拔力测 …
三星SH100 - 百度百科
三星SH100是三星旗下的产品,拥有一枚1/2.33英寸的1420万像素的CCD传感器,其5倍光变的26mm广角三星伸缩式镜头以及DIS电子防抖,让您轻松记录精彩瞬间。 三星SH100背面采用 …
This was the first Samsung cell phone ever - PhoneArena
2020年7月2日 · This paved the way for the Samsung SH-100 to materialize. It was not only Samsung's first truly mobile cell phone, but also the first hand-held cell phone designed and …
What was the first Samsung cell phone ever? Take a look!
2023年3月13日 · Samsung's first ever cell phone was the SH-100. It hit the Korean market in 1988. The SH-100 (pictured above) wasn’t just Samsung’s first portable cell phone, it was also …
Linha do tempo Samsung: do SH-100 ao Galaxy S23 5G
2023年3月10日 · Vocês acreditam que esse foi o primeiro celular da Samsung lançado no mundo? Batizado de SH-100, ele foi criado em 1988, na Coreia do Sul, e, até onde se sabe, …
SUNDOO SH-100 digital display thrust and pull force test range …
SH-100 digital push-pull force gauge is a new generation of general-purpose portable push-pull load testing instrument designed by SUNDOO. It has the characteristics of small size, light …
Samsung SH-100, the first cellphone manufactured in Korea
First cellphone produced in Korea. It represents the IT (information technology) of Korea and is a symbol of Korean Economic development.
山度SH系列 数字式推拉力计_产品列表_SUNDOO山度仪器旗舰店
SH系列数显式推拉力计是小型多功能高精度的推拉负荷测试仪器,适用于各种产品的推拉负荷测试仪、插拔力测试,破坏试验等。 数字显示分辨率高,使用方便,为新一代高效高精度的推拉 …
Sundoo山度 SH-100、SH-200、SH-500数显式推拉力计 - 1688.com
是否进口:否,订货号:SH-100,测力类型:拉力计,货号:SH-100,品牌:Sundoo/山度,型号:SH-100、SH-200、SH-500,测量范围:500(N)。 供应特点:峰值保持时间(1~10秒)自由设 …
山度SHB-100数显推拉力测试计适用于各种产品的推拉负荷测试、 插拔力测试、破坏试验等,并可结合各种机台和夹具组合成不同用途的小型试验机。 还剩 6 页未读,是否继续阅读? 该操作 …