Sh2 111 - AstroBin
Sh 2-111 can be seen clearly in this false colour hydrogen-alpha image as one of the brightest parts of a ridge of faint clouds below the Cygnus X region. There seems to be no significant …
Sh2-111 (Nick Large) - AstroBin
2024年11月16日 · Sh2-111 Powered by PixInsight. Sh2-111 Equipment Acquisition details Comments. Sky plot. Histogram. In these public groups William Optics ZenithStar Z61/Z81: …
Sharpless catalog of 313 nebulae - Go-Astronomy.com
The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 emission nebulae and H II regions found in the northern hemisphere.
SH2-111 (Sharpless 111)
SH2-111 (Sharpless 111) This rather large and extremely faint nebula needs a hydrogen-alpha filter to help pick up the dim structure in the nebula. It extends a bit more than what is seen here.
Sharpless catalog - Wikipedia
The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 H II regions (emission nebulae) intended to be comprehensive north of declination −27°. (It does include some nebulae south of that …
Sh2-111 - Wikipedia
Sh2-111 è una debole nebulosa a emissione visibile nella costellazione del Cigno. Si individua nella parte orientale della costellazione, circa 1° a nordest della stella μ Cygni ; il periodo più …
SH2结构域 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SH2结构域(英語: Src Homology 2 domain ,Src同源2结构域)是癌蛋白 Src [2] 以及许多其它细胞内 信号转导蛋白 [3] 上的一个保守的结构域。那些含SH2结构域的蛋白质可以对接到其它 …
产品 | 中优智控自动化 (上海)有限公司【官网】专业的国 …
7寸屏:SH2-111-00S. More. 7寸屏:SH2-111-00B. More. 10.2寸屏:SH2-212-00B. More. 10.2寸屏:SH2-212-00C. More. 15寸屏:SH2-412-O0C. More. 沪ICP备2022001052号-1.
Sh2 280 (Jerry Yesavage) - AstroBin
Some of the challenges with this series are FOV size and low declination: There are 11 too diffuse/large to image well with my set up (Sh2 111, 117, 122, 131, 132, 145, 178, 218, 230, …
Sh2-1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Sh 2-1,也稱為 沙普利斯 1,是在 天蝎座 的一個 反射星雲。 它呈現適當的亮度,使它成為 沙普利斯亮星雲表 中很容易觀察的目標之一。 這個星雲有一顆明顯的中央恆星,但是它既不屬於這 …