Sh2-114 - Flying Dragon Nebula - AstroBin
Bilbo Baggins said something like there hasn't been a dragon around here for over 1000 years, that's because they went looking for swans. The Flying Dragon Nebula or Sh2-114 is located in the constel...
SH2-114 -The Flying Dragon Nebula - Cosgrove's Cosmos
2022年9月5日 · SH2-114, better known as the “Flying Dragon Nebula,” is a very faint H2 emission nebula in the constellation of Cygnus. Also cataloged as LBN 347, it is part of a larger complex that includes SH2-113. I have also heard this called the “Red Dragon Nebula.”
Flying Dragon Nebula Sh2-114 - Sky & Telescope
Sh2-114 (the Flying Dragon nebula) is a vary faint and rarely imaged nebula. It is located in the constellation of Cygnus. Sharpless (Sh-2) 114 (and 113) are complex and unusual HII emission nebulas. The filamentary structures resemble a supernova remnant. However, no supernova remnant appears to be recorded for this location.
Sh2-114 Flying Dragon nebula - Sara Wager Astrophotography
Sh2-114 (the Flying Dragon nebula) is a faint and rarely imaged nebula located in the constellation of Cygnus. Sh2-114 is a cloud studied very little beyond its mere cataloging. It has a filamentous aspect, constituted by several overlapping arched strands.
Sh2-114 The Flying Dragon Nebula - AstroBin
A faint wispy emission nebula, sort of resembling the mythical dragon! Certainly not easy to process and maintain a balance between the starfield and tenuous Ha structure. Data acquisition: Barry Wi...
Sh2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (Michael Southam) - AstroBin
This image is the culmination of 18 months of effort to image Sh2-114 'The Flying Dragon Nebula'. I was drawn to the Flying Dragon for it's aesthetic value but didn't give much thought to how best to capture it's beauty. I wrote an APT imaging script in mid 2022 and made Sh2-114 the prime focus of my September 2022 trip to Cherry Springs.
Sh2-114 (The Flying Dragon Nebula) - waid-observatory.com
2024年7月19日 · Sh2-114, as listed in the Sharpless catalog, is a faint, little studied [1,2], nebula located in the constellation Cygnus the Swan [1]. It has a filamentous structure that resembles a supernova remnant [1] such as NGC 6979 (Pickering's …
Sh2-114, The Flying Dragon Nebula - Astrodoc: Astrophotography …
2023年12月1日 · Sh2-114, the Flying Dragon Nebula, is located in Cygnus. Imaged from Guelph, Ontario by Canadian astrophotographer Ron Brecher.
Sh2-114, The Flying Dragon Nebula, in Cygnus - Sky & Telescope
Sh2-114 in Cygnus is an extremely faint emission nebula in the Cygnus Milky Way. It is known as the Flying Dragon Nebula, as its wispy twisted shapes resemble a flying dragon with outstretched bat-like wings, a serpentine neck, and two aptly placed yellow stars for glowing eyes on its face.
SH2-114 - The Flying Dragon - AstroKin
Sharpless (Sh-2) 114 (and 113) are complex and unusual HII emission nebulas. The filamentary structures resemble a supernova remnant. However, no supernova remnant appears to be recorded for this location. The wispy structures are likely the result of winds from hot, massive stars interacting with the magnetic fields in the interstellar medium.