Sh2-126: Great Lacerta Nebula - AstroBin
Sh2-126: Great Lacerta Nebula Sharpless 126 (Sh2-126) is a large emission nebula in Lacerta, which appears in this image as a red background. The source of its ionisation is the intense ultraviolet r...
A cosmic lizard (Sh2-126) — AAPOD2.COM
2022年1月4日 · Image Description and Details : Sharpless 126 (Sh2-126) is the designation of a large emission nebula in Lacerta, which appears in this image as a red background and exceeds the edges of the image. The source of its ionization is the intense ultraviolet radiation from the star 10 Lacertae, a blue main sequence star.
The Great Lacerta Nebula (Sh2 126) - Astrophotography by …
Sh2-126 is an emission nebula located in the Lacerta constellation. It is located in the southern part of this constellation, about 1° west of the star 10 Lacertae, a blue variable star (magnitude 4.8 and spectral type O9V) which ionizes the nebula.
SH2-126: A challenging nebula in Lacerta - Cloudy Nights
2016年8月29日 · Sharpless 126 is a huge but faint emission nebula in Lacerta. This is a small portion of it. The source of its ionization is the intense ultraviolet radiation of the star 10 Lacerta which is not seen in this FOV and is off to the left. It is part of …
Sh2-126 (The Scarlet Letter Nebula) - AstroBin
As shown below, the image has been rotated at two different angles, with the nebula outline highlighted and the book artwork from the 1850 edition of “ The Scarlett Letter: A Romance ” by Nathaniel Hawthorne (George Routledge and Sons, publisher) superimposed. Based on its shape and color, it is obvious how this nebula got its name.
LDN 204, LDN 191, LDN 234 - Astrophotography by Nicolas …
Sh2-126 is an emission nebula located in the Lacerta constellation. It is located in the southern part of this constellation, about 1° west of the star 10 Lacertae, a blue variable star (magnitude 4.8 and spectral type O9V) which ionizes the nebula.
Sh2-126 - Great Lacerta Nebula (Roger Nichol) - AstroBin
This is a 3-panel mosaic of Sh2-126, the Great Lacerta Nebula, imaged in HOO and rendered using a Power-of-Inverted-Pixels technique. Total integration time is just under 52 hours, captured over 18 nights in December and January.
《SH2-126》 - 巡星客 - istarshooter.com
2024年8月8日 · SH2-126及其旁边磅礴的Ha云气,难得8月初一个星期的晴天,拍了两幅各10小时马赛克而成,像一面飘扬在宇宙中的红旗!
Sh2-126 - Stellar Scenes
南北の長さが3度強ある,赤いHα光を発する筋状の構造と,その北側の極めて淡い分子雲の流れからなっており,もちろん肉眼で見ることはできません。 この星雲の周辺には星団とは呼べないものの,明るい星がまばらに分布しており,「とかげ座OBアソシエーション」と呼ばれています。 ※この写真は焦点距離180mm相当にトリミングしています。 御意見,御感想をお聞かせください。 →メールはこちらまで・・・ Copyright (c) 2020 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights …
Sh2-126, the Star Funnel - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · Informally known as the 'star funnel', this dark nebula is yellowish in color because it is being illuminated by several bright stars nearby. The funnel is embedded in a larger nebula of warm hydrogen gas that is glowing red. The image was generated with observations in B (blue), V (green), I (orange) and Hydrogen-Alpha (red) filters.