Little Rosette Nebula (Sh2-170) - AstroBin
Sh2-170, also known as Little Rosette Nebula, is an emission nebula visible in the constellation Cassiopeia which is located in the northwestern part of the constellation, about 5° north of the …
SH2-170, The “Little Rosette” Nebula in SHO - 7 hours.
2021年11月19日 · SH2-170, also known as the "Little Rosette" Nebula, is an H2 region located in the constellation of Cassiopeia. This region of gas and dust is located about 7500-light years …
Little Rosette Nebula (Sh 2-170) - Deep⋆Sky Corner
Sh 2-170 is a young, almost circular, diffuse H-II region, ionized by a single main sequence O star, located near the periphery of a small dense molecular cloud. From the thermal continuum …
Sh2-170 - The Small Rosette Nebula (pete_xl) - AstroBin
Sh2-170 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. Its main emissions are in Ha wavelength with a dim OIII area in the center part. The nebula is associated with a small star …
Sh2-170 - Little Rosette Nebula (Michel Makhlouta) - AstroBin
2021年8月13日 · Sh2-170 is a small and faint emission nebula located in Cassiopeia. Stock 18 is a small star cluster in the center of the nebula, which helped me find more information about …
Little Rosette Nebula (Sh2-170) - Sky & Telescope
2024年7月8日 · Sh2-170, also known as Little Rosette Nebula, is an emission nebula visible in the constellation Cassiopeia which is located in the northwestern part of the constellation, about 5° …
Sh2-170. The Little Rosette Nebula – Astrodrudis
2022年11月22日 · Sh2-170 is also known as the Little Rosette Nebula or LBN 117.62+02.29. This nebula is sometimes described as small, probably because it lies very close to NGC 7822, a …
Sh2-170 - Little Rosette nebula - HOO - Cloudy Nights
2022年11月5日 · Sh2-170, known as the Little Rosette nebula, is an emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. I managed to collect nearly 15h of data over 3 clear nights a couple …
SH2-170 - AstroBin
SH2-170, also known as the "Little Rosette" Nebula, is an H2 region located in the constellation of Cassiopeia. This region of gas and dust is located about 7500-light years away in the Perseus …
Sh2-170, The Little Rosette Nebula - Sky & Telescope
Here's a lesser known nebula, Sh2-170, The Little Rosette Nebula. Located in the constellation of Cassiopeia, at a distance of 7,500 light years, it's just not a common target for many new …