Sh2-210 - AstroBin
I thought it was worth making this close-up after searching the net and Astrobin, which made me realize that there are very few images of this faint Sharpless object and I could find none this …
Sh2-210, December 2024 - David's Astro Images
Cave Creek Canyon Observatory, Arizona Sky Village. This region is complex although dominated by the emission nebula Sharpless 210 (Sh2-210 or LBN 712). Located on the …
Sh2-210 et al (Timothy Martin) - AstroBin
2024年12月22日 · Note that NGC 1624 is also catalogued as Sh2-212, so there are three Sharpless objects in this field.
Sh2-210 - Sh2-212 (Tribble Nebulae) (Nick Large) - AstroBin
2024年12月19日 · Many of these Sharpless objects are indeed really challenging to image and process indeed, very small and/or very faint. Narrowband helps with pulling out some nice …
Sh2-210 - Wikipedia
Si individua nell'estremità nordorientale della costellazione, circa 4° a nordest della stella λ Persei, presso il confine con la Giraffa; il periodo più indicato per la sua osservazione nel cielo serale …
Around Sh2-207, Sh2-210 - Stellar Scenes
写野の左側に位置する淡い星雲が大きさ20分ほどのSh2-210でペルセウス座に,右側に2つ並んだ星雲がきりん座に属します。 3つの星雲の中では大きさ約4分のSh2-208が最も濃く,そ …
Sh2-210 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2024年9月24日 · Query : Sh2-210 : Basic data : LBN 152.67+02.84 -- HII Region The astronomical object called LBN 152.67+02.84 is a HII Region: Origin of the objects types : …
SH2-210 Sharpless 210 Hydrogen Alpha CCD images at the …
2014年11月23日 · Testing a new worm gear tonight, gathered a few 1500s frames on this low contrast sharpless region, Sh2-210. Tucked between Perseus and Camelopardalis Sharpless …
SH2-210 - AstroBin
Without a permanent observatory (yet), I was finding it difficult...and risky...to continue to set this thing up by my swimming pool, the best and only location for me to set up my astro gear …
Around Sh2-207, Sh2-210 - Stellar Scenes
This image has captured dimmed Hα regions positioned on a boundary line of Perseus and Camelopardalis. The boundary line is crossing center of this image in east west direction. A …