SH2-232, SH2-235, SH2-231 Emission Nebulas - AstroBin
The larger nebula in the center is SH2-232. It is sometimes referred to as The Great Pumpkin nebula. It is very faint and took over 11 hours of integration and could have used much more.
Sh2-231, Sh2-232, Sh2-233 and Sh2-235 emission nebulae, SHO
Sh2-231, Sh2-232, Sh2-233 and Sh2-235 emission nebulae are located in the constellation Auriga at an approximate distance of 5,900 ly from the Earth. These objects are associated with a giant molecul...
Sharpless 232 and 235 - Astrodoc: Astrophotography by Ron Brecher
2019年4月1日 · Sh2-232 (centre) and Sh2-235 (lower left) are large, faint regions of Ha-nebulosity in the constellation Auriga. But they aren’t the only objects in the image. The small oval structure just left of centre of Sh2-232 is a planetary nebula, PN G173.5+03.2. Another faint planetary appears as a small yellowish haze around a star just above Sh2-235.
SH2-232 (Sharpless 232)
SH2-232 (Sharpless 232) This nebula is a nice sized nebula for those with about 90 by 60 arc minutes of a field of view because you also capture SH2-235 seen on the upper right of SH2-232. Also in the image are two planetary nebulae, one which is fairly bright just to the right of SH2-235.
SH2-232 - AstroKin
Sh2-232 (centre), Sh2-235 (bright area), SH-231 and the smaller SH2-233 to the left, are large faint regions of Ha-nebulosity in the constellation Auriga. But they aren’t the only objects in the image. The small oval structure just above centre of Sh2-232 is …
Sh2-232, Sh2-235, Sh2-231 and Sh2-233 - AstroBin
The large Sh2-232 and smaller but brighter Sh2-235 are predominantly Ha emission nebula regions in the constellations of Auriga at around 5900 light years distance. Sh2-235 also has a reasonably stron...
Sh2-232 - stellarscenes.net
Sh2-232 is a very dimmed and small diffused nebula in the pentagon of Auriga, about 3 degrees northeast from IC405, a famous and striking nebula in the constellation. A large and round one in center is Sh2-232, and two other small nebula in south west have numbers of …
Sh2-232 – Astro-Shed
2025年1月7日 · As an area of star formation, Sh2-232 is not only of interest to amateur astronomers but also to professional researchers studying the dynamics of stellar birth and the processes that drive the evolution of galaxies. Its faint glow can sometimes challenge observers, requiring dark skies and sensitive equipment to truly appreciate its beauty.
Sh2-232 Sh2-231 Sh2-233 Sh2-235 - waid-observatory.com
2018年1月5日 · They are from right to left, Sh2-232, the largest, Sh2-235, the brightest, Sh2-231, and 233, the smallest. These objects are all associated with a giant molecular cloud, G174+2.15, in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way. They are located in the direction of the Auriga constellation at an approximate distance of 5,900 light-years from the Earth.
sh2-232 — AAPOD2.COM
2023年1月24日 · Image Description and Details : Sh2-232 (centre) and Sh2-235 (lower left) are large, faint regions of Ha-nebulosity in the constellation Auriga. But they aren’t the only objects in the image. The small oval structure just left of centre of …