Sh2 241 and vdB 65: a lovely interplay of reflection ... - AstroBin
2023年11月4日 · There are relatively few images on Astrobin of these two objects, and even fewer with deeper exposures highlighting the dense dust in the region. I took this image over 4 nights under beautiful Bortle 2 skies in central Utah during my annular solar eclipse getaway with @Bruce Larsen and others in my extended family.
Sh2-241 plus revisit to vdB65 I didn't see coming but should have
2016年5月26日 · Sh2-241 is an emission nebula in southern Auriga just below vdB65. I found several distance estimates. All put it over 15,000 light-years distant. The only one with error bars says 17,000 light-years +/- 3500 light-years. In any case it is at least 4 times further away than its neighbor, vdB 65.
Sh2-241 (Diffused Nebula in Auriga) - stellarscenes.net
Sh2-241 is a small reddish emission nebula in southeastern region of Auriga. You can find the nebula at a bit farther than 8 degrees ENE from beta Tauri. The nebula consists of bright-small region with a diameter of 2 arc minutes and dimmed round part with span of …
Sh2-241 (John Bozeman) - AstroBin
2025年2月26日 · Sh2-241 Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Auriga (Aur)
vdB 65 & Sh2-241 - AstroBin
Sh2-241 is an emission nebula located much further away, at 15,000 light years. This nebula spans 4 arc-minutes in our apparent view, which corresponds to a diameter of 17 light years. I like the color contrast between these two nebulae. The background star colors are primarily orange due to the obscuring dust in this region.
Sh2-241 - Stellar Scenes
撮影メモ: ぎょしゃ座の南東部に位置する小型の散光星雲がSh2-241です。 おうし座β星の8度強東北東に見つけることができます。 視直径2分の小さく明るい円形の星雲と,その南西に隣接する直径約8分の淡い星雲から構成されます。 距離は約1万7000光年です。 写野の北端部に見える青白い反射星雲はLBN823です。 御意見,御感想をお聞かせください。 →メールはこちらまで・・・ Copyright (c) 2019 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
Sh 2-241(散光星雲・ぎょしゃ座) - orio.blog
2017年3月22日 · Sh 2-241(散光星雲), 光度:— mag, 直径:10′, 分類:E vdB 65 (反射星雲), 光度:10.7 mag, 直径:2.3′ x 1.4′, 分類:R. 画面中央の赤い星雲がSh 2-241, 左上の白い星雲がvdB 65です。両者は見かけ上近い位置にありますが、距離はそれぞれ5300pc. 1100pc.
Sh2-241 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
report an error concerning the data of this object. Store this result in Votable, in Ascii, or in the CDS portal. To bookmark this query, right click on this link: simbad:Sh2-241 and select 'bookmark this link' or equivalent in the popup menu.
A bonus - Sh2-241 and vdB 65 in Auriga - Imaging - Deep Sky ...
2025年2月26日 · End result is this image of Sh2-241 and vdB 65 - the former is the little emission nebula right of centre, the latter to its left. I think the small area of reflection nebula at the pointy end of Sh2-241 is DG85. Plenty of dust obviously, as well as one or two little areas of un-catalogued reflection.
SH2-241 - astroimager.net
Designation: Sharpless SH2-241 Van den berg 65 ; Mount: Astro-Physics AP1200 GTO Constellation: Auriga; Camera: Apogee U16-M with Astrodon Ver. 2 Filters Remotely Imaged With CCD Commander ; Guiding: Custom Off Axis Guider - SBIG ST-402 Guide Camera Type: Sharpless HII Region and a VdB Reflection Nebula ; Exposure Data: RGB …