NGC 2174 | SH2-252 | The Monkey Head - AstroBin
The Monkey Head, along with the nearby Jellyfish, make the last of the grand nebulae before galaxy season takes full control of the northern sky. As such I wanted to do this justice and took my time ...
The Monkey Head Nebula (SH2-252) - Orion2Nebula
The Monkey Head Nebula (SH2-252) RGB picture of 197 stacked 60 second exposures in Halpha, OIII and SII Narrow-band filters. The Monkey Head Nebula (SH2-252 in the Sharpless catalog, NGC 2174) is another, extended emission nebula in the constellation of Orion.
Sh2-252 (NGC2174), Sh2-247, Sh2-248 (IC443), Sh2-249 - AstroBin
2024年2月16日 · The Monkey Head Nebula (Sh2-252) is a HII mission nebula located in the constellation Orion and is associated with the open star cluster NGC 2175. It is thought to be located about 6,400 light-years away from Earth.
Sh2-252 - Monkey Head Nebula — AstroWorldCreations
2023年7月16日 · NGC 2174 (also known as Monkey Head Nebula) is an H II emission nebula located in the constellation Orion and is associated with the open star cluster NGC 2175. It is …
NGC 2174 | HubbleSite
2014年3月17日 · The Hubble mosaic unveils a collection of carved knots of gas and dust in a small portion of the Monkey Head Nebula (also known as NGC 2174 and Sharpless Sh2-252). The nebula is a star-forming region that hosts dusky dust clouds silhouetted against glowing gas.
Monkey Head Nebula (Hubble Palette) - Astrodoc: …
2021年3月19日 · The Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2174; Sh2-252) surrounds open star cluster NGC 2175 and lies about 6,400-7,200 light years from us. The nebula is a stellar nursery, where new stars are forming. In addition to the reddish emission nebula, …
Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2174, NGC 2175, Sh2-252, IC 2159)
Newborn stars in the center of the nebula illuminate the surrounding gases with energetic radiation and strong stellar winds that erode the lower-density materials. Higher density materials resist the erosion forming pillars and peaks along the inner edge, especially noticeable in the upper portion of the nebula as oriented in this image.
Sh2-252 (IC2175) - greggsastronomy.com
Sh2-252 Emission Nebula in Orion (IC 2175, 2175s, 2174, 2159) Date: January 4-8, 2017: Exposure: HαLRGB 375:180:60:60:60 (12.25 hours) Camera: STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters : Telescope: ASA 10N f/3.7 on AP900GTO CP3: Guiding: Remote guide head with MiniBorg 50 mm: Processing:
NGC 2174 - Wikipedia
NGC 2174 (also known as Monkey Head Nebula) is an H II [1] emission nebula located in the constellation Orion and is associated with the open star cluster NGC 2175. [1] . It was discovered on 6 February 1877 by French astronomer Édouard Stephan. [2] . It is thought to be located about 6,400 light-years away from Earth.
NGC2174 Monkey Head Nebula, Sharpless 252, Sh2-252
2014年12月29日 · NGC 2174 and NGC 2175 are both in this region, about 6400 light years away. Identified in the Sharpless Catalog as Sh2-252. This image was taken on a Skywatcher 200 Newtonian telescope with an Atik 490 CCD Camera through an …