Sh2-263 (vdB 38) and Sh2-265 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
Sh2-263 has the nicknames of the Raspberry Nebula, the Strawberry Nebula, and Moldy Strawberry Nebula. The blue reflection nebula within Sh2-263 is vdB 38. Just below and left of Sh2-263, the horizontal grouping of bright stars is the open star cluster Dolidze 19.
SH2-263 (Raspberry Nebula) - AstroKin
SH2-263, sometimes called the Strawberry Nebula or Raspberry Nebula, is an emission nebula that lies in the Constellation Orion, near the "head" or Orion and right next to the bright star Bellatrix. Sh2-263 is the red emission nebula and vdB38 is the blue reflection nebula.
SH2-263 (Sharpless 263)
SH2-263 is the brighter of the two and also has a nice reflection nebula around it, which makes using the H-Alpha filter unnecessary unless you want to pick up the nearby nebula which is mostly red. By using an HA-RGB image and an RGB image, you can create a composite that preserves the reflection and at the same time uses the HA channel to ...
Raspberry Nebula (Sh2-263 and vdB 38) – Constellation Guide
2025年1月27日 · The Raspberry Nebula is a nebula located in the northern part of the constellation Orion (the Hunter), near Bellatrix. It consists of the emission nebula Sh2-263 and the reflection nebula vdB 38.
SH2-263 - Strawberry Nebula [Re-processing] - Cloudy Nights
2023年6月9日 · SH2-263, a.k.a. Strawberry Nebula or Rasberry Nebula, is an emission nebula lies in the Constellation Orion, near the "head" or Orion and right next to the bright star Bellatrix. This is an attempt to re-visit an old set of data acquired back in 2021 with all the new goodies in our toolbox nowadays.
SH2-263 - The Strawberry Nebula (John Dziuba) - AstroBin
The SH2-263 region, aka the Strawberry Nebula, is located approximately 1,300 light years away in the Orion constellation. It is comprised of multiple classified objects with the most prominent being the red emission nebula SH2-263 and the blue reflection nebula vdB 38.
SH2-263 and VDB 38 - the Raspberry Nebula — AAPOD2.COM
SH2-263, commonly known as the Raspberry Nebula, alongside VDB 38, stands as a captivating celestial masterpiece in the constellation Cepheus, approximately 3,600 light-years away from Earth. This intricate nebula complex showcases a rich tapestry of interstellar gas and dust, illuminated by the glow of nearby stars.
Sh2-263 - vdB 38 - AstroBin
2018年2月12日 · This complex object consists of a reflection nebula and several emission nebulae, located 1300 light years away in the constellation of Orion. As with many areas of Orion, this is an interesting, deli...
Sh2-263, LBN 867, and vdB 38 - jthommes.com
The reflection structure is vdB 38; the Ha emission structure is Sh2-263 (also as LBN 867). There are several other objects in this field - open cluster Dolidze 19, dark nebula LDN 1588, a second HII region in the main structure LBN 866, and several background galaxies.
Sh2-263, Sh2-265(オリオン座の散光星雲) - Stellar Scenes
撮影メモ: 画面右下に位置する,オリオン座γ星・ベラトリクスの2度北西に広がる淡い散光星雲がSh2-265です。 オリオン・アソシエーション を形成する星間ガスのひとつで,50分ほどの範囲に広がっています。