SH2-282 Emission Nebula (Uri Abraham) - AstroBin
Sh2-282 is an emission nebula in Monoceros. The red hydrogen gas is energized by the intense light from the bright blue stars that surround it, in particular the giant pulsating variable star …
Sh2-280, Sh2-282 & Sh2-284 (Diffused Nebulae in Monoceros)
A diffused nebula of Sh2-280 at upper right-hand side has a span of 40 arc minutes at 2.5 degrees south of the Rosette nebula. Sh2-282 in center is the dense one in three, floating …
Sh2-280, Sh2-282 & Sh2-284 - Stellar Scenes
写真の右上に見える,ばら星雲の南南東に約2.5度のところに漂う赤い散光星雲がSh2-280です。 差し渡し40分ほどの規模を持ち,写真では比較的容易にその姿を写し取ることができます。
SH2-282 - AstroKin
Sh2-282 is an emission nebula in the constellation Monoceros. It is observed in the north-central part of the constellation, about 3° south of the Rosetta Nebula; it can be photographed with …
Sh2-282 - AstroBin
2024年1月15日 · This HII emission nebulae is located 5000 light years away in the constellation of Monoceros at a declination of +1 degrees. It spans 35 arc-minutes in our apparent view. This …
SH2-282 (Sharpless 282)
SH2-282 (Sharpless 282) This nice nebula is part of a series that is just south of the Rosette Nebula which has nice structure within it. The nebula is mostly red so the hydrogen-alpha filter …
Emission Nebula Sh2-282 - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · Sh2-282 is an HII emission nebula. The red hydrogen gas is energized by the intense light from the bright blue stars that surround it. Several pillars can be seen embedded …
Sh 2-282(散光星雲・いっかくじゅう座) – Orio Blog
2018年6月6日 · Sh 2-282は、いっかくじゅう座バラ星雲の南に位置する比較的明るいHII領域です。西北にSh 2-280、南西にSh 2-284という明瞭なHII領域がバラ星雲から連なるように並 …
SH2-280, SH2-282 and SH2-284, Widefield HOO - Cloudy Nights
2023年1月5日 · SH2-280, SH2-282 and SH2-284, Widefield HOO - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: I came accross this data while filing everything from my pre-christmas spree of …
SH2-282 The Bigfoot Nebula w/Cancer Update - AstroBin
SH2-282: Is an emission nebula in Monoceros, it is approximately 4900 light years away and 50 light years in diameter. Most pictures of SH2-282 are taken on its side but when rotated it …