Sharpless 299 + 300 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy …
2024年11月23日 · Sharpless 299 + 300 - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Sh2-299 (Bran 37) is the smaller HII region located approximately 13,700 light-years away in Puppis. …
Sh2-299 and Sh2-300 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
2025年2月18日 · This pair of small emission nebulae is located about 14,000 light years away in the constellation of Puppis at a declination of -15 degrees. Sh2-299 (upper right) is 2 arc …
Sh2-299 & Sh2-300
画面右上が大きさ約1分のSh2-299,左下が視直径3分のSh2-300で,両者の離角は約10分です。 ともに表面輝度は低く,長時間露出しないとその形状を認めるのは困難です。
Sh2-299 & Sh2-300 (Diffused Nebulae in Puppis) - stellarscenes.net
The nebula on the upper right of the image is Sh2-299 with a size of about an arc minute, and another on the lower left is Sh2-300 with an apparent diameter of 3 arc minutes. The …
Sharpless 299 + 300 - TheSkySearchers
2024年11月23日 · Sh2-299 (Bran 37) is the smaller HII region located approximately 13,700 light-years away in Puppis. Sh2-300 (Bran 40) is the larger HII region located at the same distance …
Sh2 299 and 300 RGB HA (Jerry Yesavage) - AstroBin
Sh2 299 and 300 RGB HA Celestial hemisphere: Southern · Constellation: Puppis (Pup) · Contains: Sh2-299 · Sh2-300
Sh2-299 and Sh2-300 - AstroBin
This pair of small emission nebulae is located about 14,000 light years away in the constellation of Puppis at a declination of -15 degrees. Sh2-299 (upper right) is 2 arc-minutes in size, while …
Sh2-299,Sh2-300 <Puppis> - C#7の星空周遊
2025年2月3日 · とも座にあるちっちゃな星雲で、大きい方がSh2-299小さいほうSh2-300で、おおいぬ座のカブト星雲の下の方にある。 丸っこくて可愛らしい。 南中ちょい前の位置から …
Sh2-300 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
Query : Sh2-300 : Basic data : SH 2-300 -- HII Region The astronomical object called SH 2-300 is a HII Region: Origin of the objects types : (Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref" …
Sh2-299、300(散光星雲) | getaのブログ
今回は、とも座にある散光星雲 Sh2-299、Sh2-300の二つです。 この二つの星雲はかなり近いところにあるので、一緒にご紹介したいと思います。 見かけ…
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