Sh 2-304 - galaxymap.org
However, a look at this region in hydrogen-alpha suggests that Sh 2-304 lies at some distance from WR 6 and forms the brightest portion of a long ridge that lies below the large Gum 8 / Sh 2-310 HII region. The ridge may be ionised by the combined radiation …
SH2-304 - AstroBin
This HII region is located 1900 light years away in the constellation of Canis Major at a declination of -24 degrees. It spans about 3 degrees in our apparent view. This corresponds to a width of 10...
Sharpless Nebula - Stellar-Journeys
While some Sharpless objects, designated SH2, are faint and challenging, many are large and bright objects, already recorded in prior catalogs such as Messier and the NGC. The SH2 objects run in size from small planetary nebula up to extensive regions such as the Veil or …
Sh2-304 | Nebula in Canis Major | GO ASTRONOMY
Sharpless Sh2-304. Sharpless Sh2-304 is an emission nebula located in the constellation of Canis Major. Sh2-304 is from the Sharpless Catalog, which contains 313 emission nebulae found in the northern hemisphere. Here are some key stats on Sh2-304:
Sh2-308 (Dolphin Head Nebula), Sh2-303, Sh2-304 (Nick Large
When 3 distinct Submitters promote the image, it moves on to the next stage of the process: evaluation for Top Pick status. This requirement, in addition to anonymization of images and distribution to only a subset of them, prevents biases and …
Sharpless catalog - Wikipedia
The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 H II regions (emission nebulae) intended to be comprehensive north of declination −27°. (It does include some nebulae south of that declination as well.)
Around Sh2-304 - stellarscenes.net
This image captures a wide field of 8.4×5.6 degrees, showcasing the Hα nebula Sh2-304, which spans the central region of the constellation Canis Major. Although Sh2-304 is extremely faint, it extends nearly 3 degrees in the north-south direction.
蟹狀星雲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
该星云由 约翰·贝维斯 于1731年发现,对应 中国 、 阿拉伯 和 日本 天文学家於公元1054年记录的一次 超新星 爆发(编号 SN 1054,中国称天关客星)。 1969年天文学家发现星云的中心是一颗 脉冲星 [5],直径约28–30公里,每秒自转30.2次,并发射出从 γ射线 到 无线电波 的宽频率范围 电磁波。 它也是首顆被确认为历史上超新星爆发遗迹的天体。 蟹状星云的 X射线 和γ射线 辐射 能量超过30 keV,最高可达450 TeV,而且非常稳定,因此天文学家将蟹状星云看成是 宇宙 中最 …
Sh2-304 - Wikipedia
Sh2-304 è una nebulosa a emissione visibile nella costellazione del Cane Maggiore. Si individua nella parte centrale della costellazione, circa 8° a sud di Sirio , la stella più brillante del cielo notturno; si rivela come una debole nube irregolare nelle fotografie riprese attraverso strumenti amatoriali di potenza elevata, con l'aiuto di ...
The Dolphin Nebula Sh-308 with Sh2-303 and 304 - Telescope Live
Emission nebulae in Canis Major. Sh2-308 itself envelopes the Wolf-Rayet star EZ