Sharpless SH2-313 / Abell 35 – Low Surface Brightness ... - AstroBin
2018年12月19日 · Sharpless 2-313 has an extremely low surface brightness of just 26.2 mag/arc-sec2. This definitely adds to the challenge of capturing this planetary nebula as fairly long …
Abell 35 Planetary Nebula - Sh2-313 - AstroBin
Abell 35 (Sharpless, Sh2-313) has been considered for some time to be an old planetary nebula (PN) approximately 16 x 11’ in apparent size with low surface brightness in the constellation of …
Sh2-313 - Stellar Scenes
撮影メモ: からす座の四辺形を作る南東の星・β星の約4.5度東に位置する,大型ながら淡い惑星状星雲がSh2-313です。 ぎりぎりで南に隣接するうみへび座の領域にあります。
Sh2-313 / Abell 35 - Nebula in Hydra - Waid Observatory
Sh2-313 (Abell 35) has long been considered a large planetary nebula located in the constellation Hydra. Jacoby, (Astrophys.
Sh 2-313(Abell 35・惑星状星雲・うみへび座) - orio.blog
2019年5月28日 · うみへび座の大きな惑星状星雲です。 中心星はおそらく160pc離れた二重星であろうとされています。 読み込み中… WordPress.com Blog. Sh 2-313(Abell 35・惑星状 …
Sh2-313 - Stellar Scenes
Sh2-313 is a vast but faint planetary nebula positioned at about 4.5 degrees east of beta Corvi. Strictly the nebula is lying in the territory of Hydra just south of Corvus. The nebula has a …
SH2-313 ( Abell 35 ) - sharplesscatalog.com
It has a strong blue and green area in the middle with a nice other shell you see in red. SH2-313 also responds very well to the hydrogen-alpha filter as well as the oxygen III and sulfur II. This …
Abell 35 (Sh2-313) #1 (Molly Wakeling) - AstroBin
Also known as Sh2-313 in the Sharpless catalog, this is a low-surface-brightness planetary nebula. From out perspective on Earth, it's about the same width is the main part of the Helix …
Sh2-313(うみへび座) - 鹿児島の星空3
2022年4月8日 · からす座の四辺形のすぐ近く(東)にある惑星状星雲です。 別名:Abell35 PK303+40.1です。 ・結構淡いと感じました。 画像処理が下手なので、総露出時間が足りず …
Sh2-313 / Abell 35 - AstroBin
Sh2-313 (Abell 35) is a peculiar planetary nebula (?) due to the very unique bow shock wave near its core suggesting the nebula is plowing through the interstellar medium. It has a low surface …