SH2-79 (Sharpless 79)
SH2-79 (Sharpless 79) Sh2-79 is one of the larger nebula in Aquila and has some nice structure that picks up very well when using the hydrogen-alpha filter. The wide field RGB filters do not …
Sh2-79 | Nebula in Aquila | GO ASTRONOMY
Sharpless Sh2-79. Sharpless Sh2-79 is an emission nebula located in the constellation of Aquila. Sh2-79 is from the Sharpless Catalog, which contains 313 emission nebulae found in the …
Sh 2-79 - Galaxy Map
Avedisova combines Sh 2-79 and W51C in the star formation region SFR 48.96-0.55 along with four infrared sources.
Sharpless catalog - Wikipedia
The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 H II regions (emission nebulae) intended to be comprehensive north of declination −27°. (It does include some nebulae south of that …
シャープレスカタログ(Sh 2)の星雲 – Orio Blog
1953年に初版が、1959年に313個の星雲が記載された最終版第2版 (Sh 2)が出版されました。 シャープレスカタログは、1958年に完了したパロマー天文台のスカイサーベイプロジェクト …
心臟星雲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
心臟星雲,或稱為 心狀星雲 (英語: Heart Nebula),即 IC 1805 、 Sh2-190,是一個距離地球約7500光年,位於 銀河系 英仙臂 的星雲,在天球上位於 仙后座。 這個 發射星雲 內有熾熱的 …
Sh2 280 (Jerry Yesavage) - AstroBin
New data with traditional blue and gold processing. The HII region Sh 2-280 appears to be located near or at the edge of the Rosette molecular cloud. Avedisova suggests two possible ionising …
Sh2-79 — Wikipédia
Sh2-79 est une grande nébuleuse en émission visible dans la constellation de l'Aigle. Elle est observée dans la partie nord de la constellation dans un tronçon de la Voie lactée fortement …
Running Man Nebula SH2-279 — No second fiddle to Orion
It's the Running Man nebula (SH2-279). Running Man is a part of the incredible Orion nebula group...the part that makes up the sword in the constellation Orion. It's right behind the more …
Sh2-232 – Astro-Shed
Sh2-232 captured on 1-6-25. This is a faint HII region in the constellation of Auriga, which lies prominently in the northern sky. The brighter nebula in the vicinity offers a stunning contrast …