SH3结构域 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SH3结构域 (英語: SH3 domain,全称 Src同源3结构域,英語: SRC Homology 3 Domain)是最早在 病毒 接头蛋白 v-Crk及 酪氨酸激酶 Src 、 Abl 中发现的长约60个 氨基酸 残基的 保守 结构域 [1][2],在 磷酸肌醇3-激酶 、 Ras超家族 G蛋白 、 cdc25 中也存在 [3][4][5] ^ Pawson T, Schlessingert J. SH2 and SH3 domains. Current Biology. July 1993, 3 (7): 434–42. PMID 15335710. doi:10.1016/0960-9822 (93)90350-W.
Comprehensive Analysis of the Human SH3 Domain Family …
2017年10月3日 · SH3 domains are protein modules that mediate protein-protein interactions in many eukaryotic signal transduction pathways. The majority of SH3 domains studied thus far act by binding to proline-rich sequences in partner proteins, but a growing number of studies have revealed alternative recognition mechanisms.
SH3 domain - Wikipedia
The SRC Homology 3 Domain (or SH3 domain) is a small protein domain of about 60 amino acid residues. Initially, SH3 was described as a conserved sequence in the viral adaptor protein v-Crk. This domain is also present in the molecules of phospholipase and several cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases such as Abl and Src .
A Systematic Compilation of Human SH3 Domains: A Versatile …
SRC homology 3 (SH3) domains are fundamental modules that enable the assembly of protein complexes through physical interactions with a pool of proline-rich/noncanonical motifs from partner proteins. They are widely studied modular building blocks across all five kingdoms of life and viruses, mediating various biological processes.
SH3蛋白结构域的小分子配体的鉴定和特异性研究。,Journal of …
Src Homology 3(SH3)域是小的蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用域,可结合富含脯氨酸的序列并介导广泛的细胞信号转导和其他重要的生物学过程。 由于失控的信号通路形成了许多人类疾病的基础,因此SH3结构域已成为新型疗法的诱人靶标。
SH3 蛋白结构域 | 脯氨酸富集基序 | Cell Signaling Technology
S rc-同源 3 (SH3) 结构域结合脯氨酸富集肽,这种肽会与最小的共有 Pro-X-X-Pro 形成左侧聚脯氨酸 II 型螺旋。 脂肪族残基通常在每个脯氨酸的前面,每个脂肪族脯氨酸对则与 SH3 结构域上的疏水口袋相结合。
人类 SH3 结构域超家族的功能分类和相互作用选择性景观,Cells - X …
2024年1月20日 · src 同源 3 (sh3) 结构域是关键的相互作用模块,可协调参与不同生物过程的蛋白质复合物的组装。它们通过选择性地与富含脯氨酸的基序 (prm) 相互作用来促进瞬时蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用。数据库搜索显示 221 种人类蛋白质中有 298 个 sh3 结构域。
A study of protein side-chain dynamics from new 2H auto …
1998年3月13日 · Two new NMR experiments are presented for measuring side-chain dynamics in proteins. The first method, requiring 15 N, 13 C, ∼50% 2 H-labeled protein, measures 2 H T1 and T1ρ spin relaxation times at side-chain positions.
SH3 domains: modules of protein–protein interactions - PMC
High-affinity peptides that bind SH3 domains are used in drug development as candidates for anticancer treatment. This review summarizes the latest achievements in deciphering structural determinants of SH3 function. Keywords: Three-dimensional structure, SH3 domain, Cell signaling, Src-family, Myosin, Protein conformation.
Comprehensive Analysis of the Human SH3 Domain Family Reveals ... - PubMed
2017年10月3日 · SH3 domains are protein modules that mediate protein-protein interactions in many eukaryotic signal transduction pathways. The majority of SH3 domains studied thus far act by binding to proline-rich sequences in partner proteins, but a growing number of studies have revealed alternative recognition …