M1 Garand for shtf weapon - Survivalist Forum
2008年9月28日 · M1 Garand is a great MBR. Other than the enbloc clips, you should purchase 150 gr ammo because 165-180 can be too hot for the gun. I tried using some Remington 180 …
The Mosin Nagant As An MBR During SHTF - Indiana Gun Owners
2013年10月27日 · On big positive of any high-powered bolt-action rifle - specifically for TEOTWAWKI - is that it tends to help you conserve ammunition. Personally, I think I'd rather …
Kel-Tec SU-16? - Survivalist Forum
2012年10月25日 · First off, an SKS is not an MBR. A "Main Battle Rifle" by definition uses full power cartidges, not an intermediate round such as the 7.62x39 or 5.56. So by definition an …
MBR really needed for SHTF/EOTWAWKI ? | Page 3 | AK Rifles
2008年9月21日 · If a guy has a good AK or AR I don't see a need for a MBR. I would much rather have a scoped bolt gun for my "heavy" applications. You can make up a nice light .308/30 …
M-1 Garand as a primary battle rifle for SHTF. - The FAL Files
2003年11月15日 · In my area of the country a "Katrina" type situation is the most likely SHTF occurance. Under such circumstances an M4, a folding stock AK, or a folding 870 would be …
Efficacy of Bolt Action Rifles when the SHTF - Survivalist Forum
2007年8月26日 · Most MBR's ever produced were bolt rifles. the Mosin is probably the best bang for the buck MBR out there, but only slightly. If you are qualified, you can buy a nice M1 …
FNAR as MBR: iron sights installation, multi-mode optics etc
2009年5月3日 · One gun mag review clearly stated that iron sights (or "BUIS"/backup iron sights?) can be installed: "No iron sights are offered, but the barrel's drilled and tapped for an …
Choosing a MBR: The M1 Garand or the M14/M1A?, by Zorro
2011年7月29日 · Because you can kill game efficiently, shoot through large cover (12″ diameter tree), and drop the enemy well beyond 600 yards I choose a MBR that shoots the …
Which backup SHTF MBR - AR15.COM
2008年12月22日 · I know it wasn't an option but I would sell both and get something better, preferably a semi-auto. I wouldn't want to have to rely on either on those two weapons in a shtf …
MBR really needed for SHTF/EOTWAWKI ? | AK Rifles
2010年8月29日 · IN MY OPINION: the 7.62x39 AK does everything a MBR can do out to 300 yards. yet it does this with no compromise in weight, 20 round magazines, finnickeyness, …