SHTF AR 50 BMG Review - Pirate 4x4
Mar 14, 2016 · Most of 50's on the market were a bit over my budget for a toy, but I finally pulled the trigger and ordered a Safety Harbor single shot 50 in January and it finally arrived, about 7 weeks wait time. I added a SWFA SS 10x scope and some Burris Signature 0-40 MOA rings set at 20 MOA ( scope has 130 MOA adjusment) .
Safety Harbor SHTF 50 Accuracy Reports? - AR15.COM
Apr 20, 2011 · I'd very much like to hear testimony on SHTF 50 accuracy (or lack thereof) and loads. So I'm leaning towards just going for the SHTF 50 and, if I can't find a load that shoots 1 MOA, I'll just get a custom barrel from Montana Rifleman for it. Thanks for any range reports, help, and advice. -Cal
Questions about the Safety Harbor SHTF 50 upper - AR15.COM
Apr 26, 2018 · Edit: After having built my rifle with the SHTF upper for the exact same reason you're looking at (less than 2K), I wish I would have just saved the extra and bought an AR-50.....not really a rifle for a prepping type stash, but probably more accurate and more reliable from what I've heard.
Safety Harbor SHTF50 Review - Texas Gun Talk
Apr 29, 2012 · First off, a couple of things I learned about shooting .50 BMG, Esp in an AR conversion waying 18 lbs. 1. DO NOT use an M4 stock if you value your shoulder, wait until you have time to pick up the stock you intend to run on it. If you intend to run an M4 stock you are either one bad mother F'er, or stupid. 2.
Serbu RN-50 vs Safety Harbor SHTF 50? - AR15.COM
Apr 27, 2020 · SHTF 50: This gun is something else. Set this bad boy up with the intent of shooting standing up, think got the idea from Mr. Ben posting pics of doing it. There is something very different and accelerating about standing up and touching off that trigger. OP knows the thrill of shooting a .50 and just know the thrill is going to be higher. IMHO
SHTF AR 50 BMG Review | Page 2 | Pirate 4x4
Dec 14, 2004 · SHTF AR 50 BMG Review. Jump to Latest 21 - 36 of 36 Posts. 1 2. 72blazer · Registered. Joined Dec 14 ...
Thinking about picking up a SHTF 50 Upper and have some …
Nov 21, 2015 · Felt recoil for these little lightweight 50's is about the same as my Remington 18" tactical 12ga shooting 3" mag, stout but well within my comfort zone. An SS 10X fixed would be just about perfect combination for you needs out to 4-500 yards.
SHTF 50 Mag Fed. - AR15.COM
Jul 1, 2012 · Already own a Steyr 50 HS, shoots Awesome, has 33 inch barrel. Really thinking about purchasing SHTF 50 mag fed, but not sure on barrel length. 18 " seems too short, 22 " would be easier to tote around, so, already seems like I …
Which .50bmg upper? - AR15.COM
Sep 16, 2020 · In recent years I've wanted a new .50 cal. However, I threw most of my funds into AR and Glock kits. I bought cheap and stacked DEEP! Now it's time to get a .50 bmg upper. I'm pretty set on one in specific which I'll share, but I want to make sure I'm ruling out all other options before pulling the trigger next week.
50 bmg ar15 upper - AR15.COM
May 29, 2018 · Hank strange did a video on it called it the shtf 50 made by safety harbor firearms Posted: 5/29/2018 3:52 ...