Military Based/Inspired SHTF Firearms Loadout
2019年8月28日 · This, and the ability to effectively hunt large game makes the SCAR 17S the absolute most effective SHTF firearm on the planet if it weren't for the massive overall …
M1A As A SHTF Rifle... Why? - Survivalist Forum
2014年1月30日 · But there's nothing wrong with having or using a M-1A/M-14/M-21 type rifle for SHTF survival purposes. Have you thought about maybe considering the idea of using a 6.5 …
Rifle and Pistol combos what will you carry for SHTF
2011年2月15日 · Glock pistol and a scoped AK of some sort for my rifle. The Glock would be in either 9 mm or .45 acp. I think that because the 7.62 X 39 caliber rifle has a limited range, I …
Do I need a rifle or a pistol more for shtf? - Survivalist Forum
2012年7月28日 · I did 19 months in Viet Nam with a scoped rifle, a pistol and a good sheath knife. Get a rifle with a scope on it, a pistol and a good sheath knife to cover about every situation. …
Marlin 1895 45-70 as a SHTF rifle? - Survivalist Forum
2010年2月7日 · Seeing as you have t, I reckon it'd make a great SHTF rifle. A lever action has as fast a rate of fire as you can cycle it and the 45-70 has a LOT of punch, plus you can laod for it …
Preferred Battle Rifle for SHTF/TEOTWAWKI? - Survivalist Forum
2015年3月26日 · Aside from the initial cost of the rifle, the ammo prices are brutal. The M1 is a very nice rifle though. I considered it strongly before I picked up my AR. With the AR for a …
Making a case for Lever action rifles when SHTF
2016年5月2日 · Nothing wrong with a lever action rifle for SHTF. As a matter of fact, nothing wrong with choosing a bolt action. Maybe not as sexy as "Black Rifle's". But these still get the …
Rethinking lever action 30-30 for SHTF survival rifle
2019年11月27日 · There was an event today that has me rethinking the lever action 30-30 as a SHTF survival rifle. While at the local sandpit sending some rounds downrange my Marlin 336 …
M1A As A SHTF Rifle... Why? | Page 7 | Survivalist Forum
2008年1月4日 · it is a RIFLEMAN'S RIFLE. It is MY choice for the SHTF situation NEGATIVE SIDE-sissygirlymen think they are too heavy. Not the latest in fashion statements does not …
Rimfire SHTF (E.D.C.) Rifle setup - Survivalist Forum
2021年4月23日 · Rimfire SHTF (E.D.C.) Rifle setup Jump to Latest 20K views 112 replies 43 participants last post by Inittowinit Jan 24, 2023