SIC Code Lookup | SIC Code Search Tool
A SIC Code describes the primary business activity of a company. With more than 10,000 unique classifications, SIC codes have been extended to create the most accurate way to target businesses. Businesses often use the SIC code lookup to identify companies within specific industries for marketing purposes.
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List - SEC.gov
The Standard Industrial Classification Codes that appear in a company's disseminated EDGAR filings indicate the company's type of business. These codes are also used in the Division of Corporation Finance as a basis for assigning review responsibility for the company's filings.
What is a SIC Code? - SICCODE.com
2013年1月1日 · Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.
What Is a SIC Code, Who Needs a SIC Code, and How to Find Yours
2024年7月28日 · Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes used to categorize U.S. companies by the industries in which they operate. Companies are required to use them...
Standard Industrial Classification - Wikipedia
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is a system for classifying industries by a four-digit code as a method of standardizing industry classification for statistical purposes across agencies. Established in the United States in 1937, it is used by government agencies to …
Everything SIC - NAICS Association
determine which SIC Code best represents their industry. Use the Drill-Down Table to Identify specific SIC Codes within any of the 10 Industry Sectors Below. Search our Database of over 19 million US Business Listings. Purchase One or Multiple Listings.
What is an SIC Code — Standard Industrial Classification
SIC codes are used by government agencies and departments, private companies, and academics analyzing business activity. You’ll need to enter your SIC code when completing various pieces of paperwork, including loan applications and government documents.
SIC Code Definition - What is a SIC code? - Precisely
SIC is an acronym for the Standard Industrial Classification system created in 1937 by the United States. SIC Codes represent different industries. They are commonly used for statistical analyses of businesses in the United States and other countries …
What is an SIC code or NAICS code?: Overview of SIC and NAICS
2023年6月22日 · Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC Codes) and North American Industry Classification System (NAISC Codes) are numerical codes designed by the U.S. Government in order to create uniform descriptions of business establishments.
What Are Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes?
2023年9月29日 · A SIC code, or Standard Industrial Classification code, is a series of four numbers that delineate a company's sector and operational activities. Created in 1937 and assigned by the government, these digits organize commerce across industries and aid in presenting statistical data.