SIC Code Lookup | SIC Code Search Tool
SIC Code lookup and SIC code search by industry. Standard industry classification codes and marketing lists for 40 million businesses
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System Search
SIC Manual. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System Search. This page allows the user to search the 1987 version SIC manual by keyword, to access descriptive information for a …
Search SIC Codes by Industry - NAICS Association
Discover and search SIC codes by industry to categorize and classify your business operations effectively.
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List - SEC.gov
The Standard Industrial Classification Codes that appear in a company's disseminated EDGAR filings indicate the company's type of business. These codes are also used in the Division of …
What is a SIC Code? - SICCODE.com
2013年1月1日 · Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business …
What Is a SIC Code, Who Needs a SIC Code, and How to Find Yours
2024年7月28日 · Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes used to categorize U.S. companies by the industries in which they operate. Companies are …
NAICS Code & SIC Identification Tools | NAICS Association
If you know your old SIC code, you can use our Powerful Search Tool to locate the corresponding NAICS code. Simply enter the SIC code and the corresponding NAICS code(s) will appear. To …
SIC Lookup Help - NAICS Association
To identify the SIC Code being used for a specific company, visit the US Company Lookup Tool by NAICS.com. To identify the proper code for your company, use the SEARCH TOOLS to …
SIC and NAICS Code Lookup Tool - DQYDJ
Below is a comprehensive SIC and NAICS code lookup tool for United States publicly traded securities. This tool helps investors understand company classifications, industry groupings, …
Definition of SIC Code – Structure of SIC Code - SIC Code Lookup
SIC codes (Standard Industrial Classification Codes) are four digit coded number created by the U.S. government to identify the industries or U.S. businesses.