Importing SID from GIS to AutoCAD - Autodesk Community
2017年12月20日 · I am trying to to import .sid layer I have in a GIS file I have. I exported it as different layers I thought would be appropriate for inserting into AutoCAD such as jpg and tiff, and tried inserting using mapiinsert, mapimport and attach command. The aerial does not drop in the correct location in A...
Solved: Can you clip a MrSID file in arcmap? - Esri Community
2019年1月10日 · I don't understand why this isn't working. It works on my computer, although I do see in your screenshot that the *sid file is not offered as an available input. the Help doc here Clip—Help | ArcGIS Desktop confirms it shouldn't be a licensing problem (I have ArcMap Advanced, thought you might have Basic) so it should work.
How to load a .SID file - Esri Community
2011年7月18日 · I have an MXD (map document file) already loaded in a map control (see attached image), and I'm trying to load some aerial images (.sid files, see attached image) into the map control. Apparently a SID file is actually a group of 3 files (an .SDW, an .SID, an XML) [shown in attached image], so do i have to load just the SID, or ???
Populate polygon field with sid raster file names
2025年3月3日 · I have 800 separate sid raster files (5000'x5000') and a separate polygon shape file with 800 polygons surrounding each individual sid file. Is there a way to automate populating each polygon field with the correct sid file names it surrounds/outlines? I also have access to ArcMap 10.8.2 if it would be easier.
Merge multiple .sid files together - Esri Community
2024年11月5日 · This will allow you to revert the .sid file back to .tif. Make sure you have plenty of free space though. The .sid's I worked with were typically compressed around 20:1 so decompressed they will be 20 times larger and extra space is …
Solved: Tiling a large Mr Sid raster - Esri Community
2014年4月22日 · Add this SID into a mosaic dataset, then define and build overviews. With overviews, the mosaic will display these lower resolution/resampled images at smaller scales ; Or create a cache of this SID/mosaic; Use the Split Raster tool, then create a mosaic of these rasters (using this on a SID might be an issue)
can one clip from a large sid file? - Autodesk Community
2003年3月21日 · To shape the extents (say from square to rectangle)size the program window. ER viewer actually creates the new file clipped to the view you have created. If you are using a tiff file with an attached tfw file and you save the new file as a georefereced tif ER viewer will create the new associated tfw file. Well that was somewhat of a ramble.
Clipping a aerial JPEG or SID file - Esri Community
2016年5月13日 · I am new to ArcGIS and am trying to clip an aerial using either a JPEG (rectangular area - 500MB) or a SID file (whole city-3GB). Basically I want to draw a polygon shape the way I want to clip the aerial and clip it and save it so that the file is not too large. I have played around with ArcMap a little bit but not too familiar with the tools.
Solved: MRsid in arcgis pro - Esri Community
2019年8月20日 · sSingle file—extension *.sid. World file—extension *.sdw. Read-only. 8-, and 16-bit unsigned integer. Yes. Generation 2 and generation 3—limited to 1 or 3 bands. Generation 4—unlimited. Wavelet (lossy) No
.sid to .dwg - Autodesk Community
2019年2月14日 · In the Data Connect palette, go to Add Raster Image=>Image icon=>Browse to and select MrSID file=>Open=>Connect=>Add to Map (be patient, it may take a few seconds, or more). 1-Data Connect palette=>Image icon. 2-Browse to and select MrSID file=>Open=>Connect=>Add to Map. 3-Alternatively you may use MAPIINSERT.