What is the SIRT? - YouTube
What is the SIRT? This video discusses the SIRT Training Pistol and introduces the SIRT by the founder of NextLevel Training and inventor of the SIRT, Mike Hughes. Mike was a ...
SIRT Training Pistol | What is it? How Does It Work? - YouTube
KRAV MAGA Redefined - SIRT Training Pistol | What is it? How Does It Work?Todd Fossey, Master of the SIRT, gives an in depth explanation on the most innovate...
Introductory SIRT Training with Mike Hughes: Pistol Fundamentals
2011年11月2日 · We recommend doing rapid shot drills before hitting high volume training with our SIRT pistols. The recoil in rapid shot drills makes sure that we are gripping correctly and staying low. This...
Training Materials - Next Level Training
All across the world, people are using their SIRTs to promote training, safety, and firearm proficiency. We held a contest where we asked you to show us clips of how you train with SIRT and you all delivered! We had such a hard time picking winners that we decided to...
Home Page - Next Level Training
Welcome to the armorer’s course for our SIRT 107. These videos and article will cover everything you could want to know regarding maintenance and adjustments of the SIRT 107. This 6 video series covers a variety of topics. Watching all of them will give you a…
SIRT 107 Armorer Course - Next Level Training
2017年5月11日 · Welcome to the armorer’s course for our SIRT 107. These videos and article will cover everything you could want to know regarding maintenance and adjustments of the SIRT 107. This 6 video series covers a variety of topics.
Next Level SIRT Training Pistol: 110 SPOT Trainer | PDN
The SPOT is a very simple and cost-effective way to train for your reflexive optic. The SPOT fits on your SIRT slide (110 models currently) and uses the red trigger take-up laser to mimic the dot in a pistol-mounted optic (for example, a Trijicon RMR as Mike has in this video).
NLT SIRT 115C - Personal Defense Network
In this video, Rob reviews one of the latest evolutions of the SIRT pistol, the 115C. The SIRT 115C emulates the size and feel of a Glock 19. (There are numerous other SIRTs that emulate other popular pistols.) Rob firmly believes that if you want to learn to shoot, you must go to a range and shoot a live-fire gun.
SIRT Pistol | Personal Defense Network
In this excerpt from PDN’s Laser Training Methodologies DVD, Mike Hughes of Next Level Training presents the Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger Pistol, or SIRT Pistol. The shot indicating laser shows a green laser every time the shooter breaks …
LaserLyte VS SIRT Laser Training Pistols Review [VIDEO]
2017年12月18日 · Today I set out to compare the LaserLyte series of Laser Training Pistols and the Next Level Training series of SIRT Training Pistols. Here is the Video: So in summary: For Glock or M&P shooters you can get a training pistol that is molded exactly after your gun. Use your same holster and other accessories.