Aventador SVJ 63 Roadster: Play with the Car Configurator
2019年12月19日 · The SVJ Roadster, launched in a limited edition of 800 units, raced straight into the very exclusive circle of the world’s finest super sports cars. To celebrate its inaugural year, 1963, Lamborghini unveiled an even rarer beast: the Aventador SVJ 63 Roadster. Only 63 highly customizable versions of this jewel will be built.
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster | Lamborghini.com
Boasting 770 CV at 8,500 RPMs, and capable of accelerating from 0-100 km/h in 2.98 seconds, Aventador SVJ Roadster provides thrills unlike anything that has ever been experienced before. The ISR (Independent Shifting Rods) transmission …
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ | Lamborghini.com
A special edition of just 63 examples, known as the SVJ 63 and featuring an exclusive color and finishes, highlights the extensive use of carbon fiber.
《Lamborghini Aventador SVJ/SVJ63》正式發表現身 全球限量900輛與63輛
2018年8月24日 · 而Aventador SVJ63車名中的「63」,則是代表Lamborghini品牌創立的1963年,同時也是Aventador SVJ家族中的特式版車型。 一如各界所猜測,Aventador SVJ依然使用6.5升V12自然進氣引擎作為動力來源,與前身Aventador SuperVeloce相比,最大馬力從750匹上升至770匹馬力,同時,還可繳出73.4公斤米的最高扭力,是Lamborghini品牌發展至今,動力輸出最強悍的一具V12引擎。 搭配7速ISR變速箱與全時四輪驅動系統,還有僅1,525公斤的車重 (乾 …
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster 63 - LamboCARS
2019年8月16日 · The Aventador SVJ 63 Roadster still pumps out 770 hp from the big V12 with 720 Nm of torque, reaching 100km/h from a standstill takes only 2.9 seconds while 200 km/h …
Lamborghini Aventador's Curtain Call Is the SVJ63 Roadster
2019年8月21日 · The SVJ is the Aventador's curtain call, and the 63 roadster is the SVJ's last stand before Lamborghini replaces the whole car with another mid-engined model with nearly 800 horsepower and doors...
【图】Aventador 2019款 Aventador SVJ 63特别版报价_图片_兰 …
汽车之家Aventador 2019款 Aventador SVJ 63特别版车型频道,提供兰博基尼汽车Aventador2019款 Aventador SVJ 63特别版最新报价,图片,参数配置信息及保养信息,最新 ...
“致敬”,兰博基尼Aventador SVJ 63特别版,起售价920.47万元_懂 …
2020年2月1日 · 动力方面,兰博基尼Aventador SVJ 63特别版搭载6.5L V12自然吸气发动机,其最大功率566kW,峰值扭矩为720N·m,搭配7挡ISR变速箱。 在兰博基尼 Aventador SVJ 63没有任何可调的动力装置配置 ,因此这也意味着每一辆新车都有着相同的性能数据,这些数字转化成更为直白的性能数据便是兰博基尼 Aventador SVJ 63 Roadster可以在2.9秒内完成百公里加速,且最高时速可以超过350Km/h。 兰博基尼Aventador SVJ 63特别版厂商指导价:920.47万元,综合 …
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ
The SJV 63 special edition offers a unique color and trim that only emphasizes the carbon fiber design. There are only 63 of these limited-edition models available, crated to celebrate the brand’s founding year, 1963. Getting behind the wheel of an Aventador SVJ will get your blood pumping and your heart racing.
SVJ 63 Roadster and EVO GT Celebration Unveiled
2019年8月16日 · The limited edition of the iconic V12 super sports car creates a new expression of exclusivity following the SVJ 63 coupé, being produced in just 63 numbered units.