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Saint John Vianney Parish - San Jose, CA
Comite Hispano, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Dia de Los Muertos, Dia de Reyes, Semana Santa, Miercoles de Ceniza, Domingo de Ramos, Domingo de Resurrección, Semana Santa.
Before going to Confession, do an examination of conscience to reflect on what sins you have committed. Say a prayer to the Holy Spirit for guidance. If you are worried you won’t remember your sins, it’s OK to make a written list and bring it with you to Confession.
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San Joaquin Valley Town Hall - GitHub Pages
San Joaquin Valley Town Hall is a non-profit organization that is run by an all-volunteer board of directors. Our mission is to bring nationally and internationally renowned, thought-provoking speakers who inform, educate, and entertain our audience! As one or our members told us: “Each year I give a ticket package to each of our family members.
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St. John Vianney Catholic Church | Houston, TX
625 Nottingham Oaks Trail, Houston TX 77079 281.497.1500. See what’s happening at St. John Vianney and how you can be involved. Join the Family! Learn more about becoming a part of the St. John Vianney community. Ash Wednesday is March 5, 2025. Mass Times: 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:10 PM, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM, and 8:15 PM (Spanish)
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St. John Vianney Catholic Church | Gallatin, TN
Are you looking for ways to awaken your ten-year-old’s faith? Or are you trying to help your 16-year-old granddaughter discern God’s will? Below you’ll find a letter addressed to young people that... What Is The Seven Sundays Devotion To St. Joseph? Ite ad Joseph, the saints have said, which means Go to Joseph. Have you gone to St. Joseph?