Special K | The Swiss Army Knife of PC Gaming
Special K features a wide array of tools and overrides that can be used in most games: Advanced FPS limiter to achieve better frame pacing in games; Improved latency and performance in borderless window mode for Direct3D 11 games; HDR screenshots using JPEG-XR or AVIF, with configurable compression quality
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Releases · SpecialKO/SpecialK - GitHub
Hack to allow Native Pacing mode for DLSS Frame Generation in AC Shadows. Reset config to let SK's Native Pacing mode work in AC Shadows. Full Changelog: SK_25_3_20_3...SK_25_3_20_4. Various fixes for compatibility with Assassin's Creed Shadows. Disabled AC Shadows' broken Reflex implementation by default. Full Changelog: SK_25_3_20...SK_25_3_20_3.
Special K - 功能强大的游戏注入调整优化插件框架 & 前端 [Juij 汉 …
功能强大的游戏注入调整优化插件框架,允许对 PC 游戏程序进行各种形式的深入调整,修复和增强图形、详细性能分析监测和校正模块以及不断增加的其它工具,该插件框架还包括多年来遇到并修复的各种特定于游戏的调整优化。 说明 • 接近完整汉化,跟进最新版本; • 中文字体修改为使用 simsun.ttc,Windows 和 Proton 兼容层都自带; • 由于图形库字库问题个别几个字无法正常显示出现,已经尽量用相近的词或拼音替换...
Special K - GitHub
Lovingly referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of PC gaming, Special K does a bit of everything. It is best known for fixing and enhancing graphics, its many detailed performance analysis and correction mods, and a constantly growing palette of tools that solve a wide variety of issues affecting PC games.
The Complete Guide to SK | Special K - The Official Wiki
Welcome to the official Special K wiki! Lovingly referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of PC gaming, Special K does a bit of everything. It is best known for fixing and enhancing graphics, its many detailed performance analysis and correction mods, and a constantly growing palette of tools that solve a wide variety of issues affecting PC games.
[分享] 分享最新的Mod工具——Special K(epic最新版测试可用)
2022年1月8日 · Special K是Kaldaien制作的工具,但其本人的github最后更新是在2018年,好在还有许多技术lsp的支持,到现在一直在更新。wiki文档(有兴趣的可以看看,还有许多功能):https:/ ... 分享最新的Mod工具——Special K(epic最新版测试可用) ,3DMGAME论坛
Special K - PCGamingWiki PCGW - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, …
2024年8月31日 · Special K is an extensive game modifying framework allowing for various forms of in-depth tweaking of a game. The focus is primarily on the graphics pipeline but the tool also includes features such as input device blocking/configuring, window and volume management, enhancements for some of the in-game functionality of Steam, and more.
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