SK-II 全新 R.N.A. POWER 系列抗老精華
2015年8月18日 · 全新推出啟發自其獲獎科研技術 microRNA 的 SK-II R.N.A. 立體緊緻精華霜 (R.N.A. Power Radical New Age)及 R.N.A. 彈性再生精華 (R.N.A. Power Radical New Age Essence) 就能為肌膚帶來全方位的立體緊緻效果:縱向緊塑立體輪廓;橫向一夜淡化毛孔。
SK-II R.N.A.Power Radical New Age - Reviews | MakeupAlley
Power up your skin's youthful beauty with this moisturising cream. Packed with nourishing ingredients, R.N.A.Power Radical New Age improves suppleness and elasticity for a youthful, healthy-looking complexion.
- 评论数: 8
SK-II (Esuketsu) SK-II R.N.A. power Radical New Age separately …
With SK-II’s revolutionary ingredient complex, your deeply hydrated skin resists low-power moments caused by daily stressors. Experience miraculous transformation to Crystal Clear Skin.
SK-II RNA New Age Essence, 1.7 Ounce - amazon.com
One bottle reduces the appearance of pores and wrinkles. Used with R.N.A Power cream, this new duo from SK-II brings you to a new level of confidence from today and for the next 15 years. Immediately upon application, each drop fills the gaps in your skin, making it …
SK-II R.N.A. Power Radical New Age Essence and Cream Review
2015年7月22日 · I have been using SK-II's brand new R.N.A. Power lineup for several weeks now. The Essence and Cream have been reformulated to target all 10 known tell-tale signs of aging, and I can see on my travel-weary skin that it's working! More details after the jump!
SK-II刚推出的基于分子生物学的全新R.N.A Power系列是噱头还 …
8月初SK-II推出了全新的R.N.A Power 「超肌因」逆龄系列。 8月17日才刚上市。 其宣称通过比较年轻肌肤和衰老肌肤,筛选出一些表达量发生了… 今天又看了一遍SK-II的产品介绍,好像没看到宣称能改变RNA的文字啊,不知道果壳网根据哪里来的信息做出这样的结论,还很具体地谈到了特定的miRNA的种类……不过就算是miRNA技术,也没什么大惊小怪的,许多人由于不了解这个领域就各种“哭晕”和讽刺,甚至还有些学生物的同学,感觉这种风气不像知乎。 这个产品的技术很 …
SK-II R.N.A. POWER Radical New Age Cream, 2.7 oz - Macy's
Improves multiple signs of aging, giving you a new level of firmness from multiple angles, so that skin becomes firmer, smoother, tighter, and more radiant. After one jar, fine lines appear less defined. Use in tandem with R.N.A POWER ESSENCE to feel the power of Piteraâ¿¢ and Radical New Age Complex. Embrace a future of youthful beauty.
編輯推介!RED LIST AWARDS 得獎產品 ﹣SK-II R.N.A. 彈性再生 …
2016年2月1日 · SK-II研 究 團 隊 與哈佛大學聯手合作,從1,800 個 microRNA 中發現 3 大影響肌膚老化、緊緻度的關鍵 microRNA (203/29/34),microDNA 在蛋白質合成中擔當著重要的指揮角色,隨著年齡的增長,microDNA 的指揮能力漸漸弱化。
SK-II R.N.A. Power Radical New Age Essence 50ml - David Jones
New R.N.A POWER ESSENCE brings you the next level of firmness - lengthwise-crosswise firmness - for a poreless, plump skin with a fresh morning glow. Immediately upon application, each drop fills the gaps in your skin, making it firm, resilient, and feeling plump. Skin becomes smooth and tinged with a fresh morning glow the next day.
Product Info - R.N.A. Power Radical New Age Essence by SK-II
A breakdown of the key ingredients, benefits, skin concerns and top influencer reviews for SK-II R.N.A. Power Radical New Age Essence